march 29, 2021 - april 4, 2021 highlights

THURSDAY, 210401
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (a moment to remember)
- chenle once again reminded us that health is the most important thing so no matter how busy we are, we have to still get some rest and eat well
- zhuama teased chenle by calling him "my sister yueyue" and chenle sarcastically said "i won't see you next week, don't come here anymore!"
- chenle almost cried watching 'a moment to remember'
- chenle asked zhuama to recommend him some sad movies to see if he will cry watching them or not
- they were talking about brain exercise and chenle said he uses his brain a lot / all the time. but then zhuama asked him about physical exercise / working out and chenle repied saying that it can't be explained with words.
- chenle likes watching sad movies because he wants himself to cry at least once. he used to cry watching movies when he was young but ever since he turned 16, he never cried anymore. sad movies still touch his heart but they're not enough to make him cry.
- chenle said tears are valuable and they mean a lot for people who rarely cry. they are also valuable for people who cry often because after all, it is sad to cry.

chenle is absent from akdong seoul for two weeks starting from april 2, 2021 (210403) to april 14, 2021 (210414) due to being quarantined for covid-19. chenle previously interacted with someone who tested positive, so he got tested and the result was negative. however, following the coronavirus regulations in south korea, chenle still had to self-quarantine for two weeks which resulted in kun filling in for him for two weeks. chenle finally returned as akdong seoul regular dj on april 15.

april 12, 2021 - april 18, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (captain america: the winter soldier)
- chenle was eating up until one minute before the radio started (8:59 pm kst) and caoli jiejie told him that there was no time left so he just rushed without wiping his mouth so now his mouth still feels spicy. he asked zhuama to bring some tissues for him when she comes.
- there are two things chenle did mist during his quarantine. the first one is playing games with haechan because on the first day of quarantine, chenle bought a computer to play games. haechan said he would game together with chenle and now he's gotten the hang of it.
- the second thing is that he has been watching dramas. chenle recently started watching 'penthouse' and he has watched up until 18 episodes. the series taught him that nobody is perfect and that everyone has a dark side.
- the fans in the comments section kept spoiling 'penthouse' to chenle
- chenle has been watching more comedies than sad movies recently but he didn't watch any movies during his quarantine
- chenle's favorite marvel movie is 'captain america: the winter soldier'
- chenle got angry about the fact that bucky killed tony stark's parents
- chenle's favorite marvel hero is thor
- chenle thinks captain america is really cool in catws and he really likes the special effects and the plot of the movie
- chenle and zhuama discussed about how all marvel movies are connected so you have to watch all the movies to really understand the stories. there are also small details that link one movie to another or one story to another. chenle has watched all the movies in the marvel cinematic universe.
- chenle recited some lines from the fight scene in the movie.
FRIDAY, 210416
- daily program & topic : random radio
- a comment said that friday is the actual weekend and chenle agrees. to him, the actual weekend is friday and saturday. chenle doesn't like sunday because sunday is the last day to rest and he has to wake up early the next day.
- chenle explained the meaning behind his name again and complained about how fans kept calling him "yueyue" to tease him and he said they probably won't stop until chenle resigns from his job
- during quarantine, chenle managed to adjust his sleeping schedules and patterns so now he doesn't sleep as late as he used to.
- when chenle was younger, he was an outgoing and playful kid who laughed and talked well, and was quite naughty. his parents thought he would become quieter as he matures because that's what happened to his older brother. his brother was really naughty when he was young but as he got older, he became more mature. chenle also expected himself to be the same but as he got older, he realized he got even more noisier and tends to mess around more.
- chenle said when you're having a bad day and it starts to rain, the rain can help express the sad feeling and you can run in the rain and feel like you're the saddest person in the world
- chenle finds it comforting to breathe in the fresh air after the rain
- chenle and jinyong discussed 張宇, who is a singer chenle really likes
- chenle's song rec : end of the road - boyz ii men
SATURDAY, 210417
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- daegal always barks and pesters chenle to play with her. when he's eating or lying on his bed, she would always bark at him so that he plays with her. whatever it is that chenle does, she would always interrupt to prevent chenle from doing it. but when chenle plays the piano, daegal doesn't make a noise. instead, she sits beside him and listens, and falls asleep to the music. chenle finds this very mysterious.
- chenle said daegal listens to the songs chenle is listening to
- chenle's favorite ost is one from the movie 'your name'. he also likes the original soundtracks / background music form the movies 'interstellar' and 'the amazing spider-man 2'.
- chenle didn't listen to that many nursery rhymes when he was young. his parents listen to classical music and western music a lot so chenle also grew up liking songs like that.
- chenle said the year 2015 and 2016 are around 5 or 6 years ago but it doesn't feel that far
- chenle's song rec : 나를 사랑하지 않는 그대에게 - lee sora
SUNDAY, 210418
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most touching / heartwarming movie i've ever watched)
- chenle really likes the movie 'love actually'. the listener likes jamie and aurelia's love story the most, and chenle agrees, but he also really likes the love story between david and natalie, and the one between billy mack and joe.
- chenle explains that the reason why some people call him peng-d is because in chinese, peng is 朋. chenle's old name was yue, and another character for yue is 月 so 朋 (peng) = 月月 (yue yue).
- if chenle met zombies, he would throw kun to the zombies and tell the zombies that kun's meat is more delicious than his and that they should take him instead. he said he would tell the zombies, "he's my gift / offering for you! dinner's on me!"
- chenle has never watched 'the greatest showman'
- one of chenle's favorite songs is 'it only takes a moment' from the movie 'wall-e'
- the last time chenle cried watching a movie was in 2014 when he watched 'the amazing spider-man 2'. he cried during gwen stacy's death scene.
- chenle's song rec : vacation without aggravation - kris bowers

april 19, 2021 - april 25, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210419
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- a listener used the word "forum" in their letter so chenle teased them saying "did you have to use english to sound 'international'? i can speak english too, i just didn't know the word"
- chenle is more nervous when running for elections than he is when performing because when running for elections, he's afraid that he might make mistakes during his speech, but when he's performing, he's confident that he won't make any mistakes.
- chenle finds it hard to stop himself from sleeping when he's already sleepy. even when he's sitting with his back straightened, he can still fall asleep.
- nct dream used to have a rule where whoever falls asleep would get water poured on their faces, and renjun got it.
- chenle does vocal warm ups every morning but if he sleeps in the car, his vocal cords would close up again so he always tries to preoccupy himself to stop him from falling asleep
- chenle thinks that when we're talking to someone older than us, it's understandable to feel inferior to them or feel like we're not as good as them, but that doesn't mean we can lose confidence because everyone is equal
- a listener listens to 'too good' when they're angry. chenle told them not to listen to his songs when they're angry because they might end up hating him.
- chenle said drinking coke in one gulp / one shot might be bad for your body because even when you only sip a little bit of coke, it can already make you burp loudly. so he told a listener not to do that.
TUESDAY, 210420
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- songyuan said chenle looks younger with his new silver hair
- chenle said he's close with minghao (svt's the8). he said that minghao is not only talented, but he also has an attitude towards arts and life that we can all learn from. chenle often drinks red wine or tea with minghao and he also talks to minghao often.
- chenle said each mamamoo member has their own special / unique color
- chenle asked songyuan if he knows what "asap" stands for and he said he didn't so chenle explained that it means "as soon as possible"
- chenle's song rec : it's been a long, long time - harry james & helen forrest
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (gangwon-do)
- when the song was playing, chenle watched the new dream content that just got released (7illin' in the dream). he said he's the best ping pong / table tennis player in all of nct and he insisted that he is because he wouldn't have said anything if he was lying.
- chenle can't get woken up by alarms. he just can never hear the alarm even though he already set the alarm. he can only wake up when the manager calls him and tells him, "chenle-ssi you can come down now~". he also doesn't like the fact that he's like this and it's driving him crazy, but he just can't hear the alarm.
- chenle finds gangwon-do pretty
- chenle said the background of the 50,000 won bill is places in gangwon-do so chenle took out his wallet to observe the bill
- chenle said his mom likes to look at flowers and lanlan said so does she. chenle said aunties like his mom and lanlan would get along really well with each other. when chenle said, this, caoli who was outside the studio, stood up and looked at chenle. chenle then said, "why did caoli stand up and glare at me like that? do you feel offended too?"
- chenle said kun a pro idol so he knows how to pose
- chenle's mom is the kind who would tell chenle to stand at a location / in front of something and take a photo of him at that location, and chenle would always go, "i don't want to...!" but his mom would nag at him and say, "but we already came here... just take a picture!" so chenle would oblige and the photo would come out with chenle looking like he doesn't wanna be there / doesn't wanna take photos.
- chenle thought he's been working with lanlan for a year when it's actually only been six months. he said it's because happy times pass by fast.
- someone commented "the four beauties of akdong seoul" and chenle mentioned that it's zhuama, lanlan, pd jiejie, and caoli
- chenle suggested that pd jiejie should become a guest star on friday's random radio one day
- chenle likes hot springs
- chenle said if he gets a summer vacation, he will plan to go hike up a mountain / hill in gangwon-do and then go to the hot spring after, but then lanlan reminded him of the pandemic and he said, "ok... change of plans..."
- chenle has never gone skiing but he wants to try
- chenle really likes snow
- chenle finds alpaca really cute. he said if an alpaca spits at him, he will be really said because he's worried that the alpaca hates him.
THURSDAY, 210422
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the martian)
- chenle thinks it's always fun to start something new that you're interested in but what's most important is that we stay passionate in that thing and that we keep going
- when chenle was young, he really liked electric guitars because the feel is really cool
- zhuama asked chenle if chenle likes riding on rollercoasters because the speed of flying in a spaceship is really fast and chenle said he does. so chenle said, "i should stop being a singer and be an astronaut instead!"
- zhuama recommended them to talk about 'the martian' because zhuama knew chenle liked stars and looking at them and this is the movie that made her interested in looking at stars too
- chenle bought a really nice camera just to take pictures of stars but ever since he bought that camera, he doesn't watch the stars anymore
- zhuama said there will be a meteor shower and chenle immediately said, "EVERYONE PAUSE. LET ME CHECK MY SCHEDULE FOR 5 MINUTES. IF THERE IS A SCHEDULE I WILL TELL MY MANAGER."
- when chenle was young, he wasn't interested in being an astronaut but he was really interested in learning about space so he watched a lot of documentaries related to space and the creation of the universe (the big bang, etc)
- chenle's favorite part in the movie is the part where the main character, mark, raised potatoes
- chenle's song rec : 오랜 날 오랜 밤 (a long night) - akdong musician
FRIDAY, 210423
- daily program & topic : random radio (zhuama's top 5 old songs that are also movie soundtracks)
- chenle wished jeno a happy birthday
- chenle sang a little bit of led zeppelin's 'immigrant song'
- chenle sang elvis presley's 'can't help falling in love'
- a lot of people has recommended the movie 'bohemian rhapsody' to chenle. chenle hasn't watched it because he has been pretty busy these days.
- the reason why chenle likes the song 'it only takes a moment' so much is because the lyrics are very pretty. at first, he only liked the melody but then he looked at the lyrics and the lyrics turned out to be pretty and romantic.
- chenle recited the lyrics to michael crawford's 'it only takes a moment' and sang a little bit of the song
- chenle's song rec : theme of mitsuha - radwimps
SATURDAY, 210424
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle hasn't bought jeno a birthday gift so he asked the listeners for recommendations
- chenle announced that chuyuan will be a father soon. before he did that, he asked chuyuan for permission to announce it to everyone because they've never talked about those kinds of stuff on air and have always talked about it off air or during songs.
- chuyuan said this is his first child and chenle suggested having a second child
- chenle's parents originally wanted to have a daughter because their first child was already a boy, but then they had chenle
- chenle said from his own experience, and then clarified that from the experience of others, usually sons are closer to their moms when they're young and become closer to their dads as they grow older because they can talk and relate more with their dad. he then said it's the opposite for daughters because daughters tend to be really close with their dads when they're young but become closer to their moms when they grow older.
- chenle said that looking at the big picture, he'd want to have a son because he would be able to play soccer with his son and him and his son would be like brothers.
- chenle said he's really close to his dad and that his dad is like his friend, his younger brother. chenle said his dad always tunes in to akdong seoul and he said he's saying that because he wants his dad to hear it.
- a listener wrote "peng-d" in their letter and chenle immediately said "OKAY PASSSS"
- chenle hasn't removed his wisdom tooth. chenle said renjun removed his a few days ago and it became swollen. chenle then told his wisdom tooth to behave and if it does, chenle will feed it a lot of sweets so that he doesn't have to remove it because if he does, he'll be the one feeling the pain.
- ever since chenle was young, his dad has always taught him good dental health. chenle was scolded once for not brushing his teeth so ever since then, he always has the habit of brushing his teeth.
- chenle likes musicals but he doesn't have time to see them and it's been a while since he's watched any
- chenle really loves the song 'angel' by exo and he sang a little bit of it
- chenle wished pd jiejie a happy birthday because it's her birthday today and he also hoped that she would have a boyfriend soon
- chenle's song rec : you're that spider guy - the amazing spider-man 2
SUNDAY, 210425
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most touching movie i've ever watched)
- chenle said there are a lot of touching moments in 'avengers: endgame' and there are several scenes that almost made him cry but he still didn't cry
- chenle's favorite avengers are iron man and thor because he finds them very cool. here's a clip of chenle talking about it.
- pd jiejie said she had to edit a lot on today's episode because chenle and kun kept talking for 30 minutes straight
- chenle said he likes the part where thor came coming down from the heaven like a god because he looks so cool and handsome it's crazy.
- chenle has seen all the movies in the avengers series / the marvel cinematic universe and he really likes the fact that the smaller details are connected to / are the start of bigger events. he thinks the mcu is really well-made.
- chenle believes that the key to a long-lasting friendship or relationship is to be considerate and to understand each other. he believes that relationships can last longer if the two parties understand each other. if there is no balance, it will get worse from that point on and they won't be able to return to the way they were before.
- chenle almost cried watching 'the notebook' too. he finds it very touching but he still didn't cry.
- chenle asked the radio staff if they cried when watching 'the notebook' and they said they didn't, and chenle was shocked. kun then said, "but you didn't cry either though?" and chenle replied, "yeah but that's because i have a bit of a problem. {the staff didn't cry) probably because you guys are old."
- chenle likes looking at couples who love each other because the look in their eyes is different. he said when he looks at the way lanlan jiejie and her husband look at each other, it makes his heart feel warm. chenle said he enjoys listening to love stories of old people or looking at old couples because it warms his heart. he said he's just like an old mom / dad.
- chenle has watched a lot of animated movies but his favorite is still 'your name'. he also likes 'zootopia' and 'wall-e'.
- chenle really wants to watch 'coco' but hasn't
- when chenle was young, he enjoyed watching 'pleasant goat' and big big wolf'. he also said 'tom and jerry' is a classic.
- chenle's song rec : everytime - punch & chen

april 26, 2021 - may 2, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- pd jiejie came inside the studio to adjust chenle's mic and chenle asked if pd jiejie's face can be revealed but pd jiejie was shy so the camer angle changed so that we can't see her face. chenle hopes that this friday on 'random radio' will be the chance pd jiejie can appear as special guest.
- chenle said winning in isac was the most delicious (succesful) for him. he kept emphasizing on "delicious" (맛 (mat) means taste / delicious, just like nct dream's upcoming album). chenle then said sorry for promoting his album on akdong seoul.
- chenle knew that today was going to be viewable radio so he intentionally didn't wash his hair last night after he had a schedule so that his hair will look styled and pretty for today's viewable radio. he said if he washed his hair last night, it would've ended up looking puffy. he said he'll deal with the itchy scalp just so we can see a pretty him.
- chenle said his hair was pretty fine before but he had to dye and bleach it six times for this comeback so it's now puffy again
- chenle explained that when we're wearing a mask and glasses, some condensation will happen on the glasses
- a listener said they're going to gain energy later tonight because chenle's hot sauce boring jalapeno teasers are going to be released tonight. chenle didn't know that, and he said, "oh really? i didn't know that. it might not be my teasers tonight..." and then he said he hopes that it's his teasers that will be released tonight so that the listener can gain energy. (later on, on bubble, he also said that he hopes his teasers will be released tonight and that he's looking forward to it).
- chenle has only seen his nephew after his birth and has never got the chance to see him since.
- chenle believes that taking care of babies takes a lot of patience
- chenle has a bad habit of drinking too much coffee nowadays. a few days ago, he was filming something and he drank three cups of coffee. he also had coffee today but he wants coffee again now.
- chenle sets a goal of drinking 500ml of water a day but he never does it. when he lived with his mom, his mom would always remind him to drink lots of water. but now that he lives alone, no one reminds him to do that so he doesn't drink too often.
- chenle said he's going to sleep early today
- chenle is envious of people who can cry because he can't cry
- chenle said even if he gets emotional, he never really cries. even if he tries hard to cry, he just can't. he hasn't cried since he was 16.
- when people around chenle cries, he never thinks "what's wrong with them?" he would always want to know the reason why they're crying so that he can empathize with that person as much as he can.
- chenle said it's normal to cry because we're all humans after all, and we have emotions so we can cry. he hopes that people won't be ashamed about crying because crying is just another form of expressing emotions. even if we cry, other people won't think we're weird. full quote here
- chenle said there will always be people who are better than us so we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. it's okay to just live our own life. he believes that each person has something they're good at so it's better to focus more on ourselves.
- chenle said people don't change immediately so it's wrong to think that one has to live an adult life after reaching the age of adulthood because the process of adulting takes a lot of time. he takes jisung as an example and said jisung is still a kid.
- someone asked chenle if he ever regretted choosing the job he has. chenle said he has no regrets, although there have been some really hard times.
- chenle said it's important to talk a lot with our parents because we can share more life experiences and learn more from our parents. chenle said he has conversations like this with his dad a lot, and he learned a lot of things that he didn't know before from his dad.
- chenle's song rec : so long lovers island - leon peels & the blue jays
TUESDAY, 210427
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle usually doesn't like the recorded version when listening to songs. he prefers the live version more, especially for ballads. he thinks the live version is better because it expresses the emotions better than the recorded version.
- a listener wants to learn how to cook so they asked chenle for some advice. chenle told them to try and work hard, and he said if they fail, they can just order food.
- when talking about summer, chenle thinks of waterparks during summer. he likes going to waterparks because he likes water. he also wants to go to the beach to swim, and he wants to properly swim. chenle doesn't like the season summer, but because summer is hot, there's no better way to spend it other than to do something that's cool and refreshing.
- chenle thinks fans like it when a singer participates in the creation of a song because the song will be able to express the singer's thoughts and feelings
- zhuama teased chenle in the youtube live chats and chenle said "let's skip zhuama every thursday!" and zhuama commented, "everyone, don't forget to call him peng-d"
- chenle's song rec : dreamer - lee yeonghyun
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (switzerland)
- back during either 'we Young' or 'ridin' mv filming, chenle's mom cooked some food and side dishes for chenle and packed them for him to eat during the break time. she packed them in a glass container. when he was going to heat them up, he accidentally knocked the bowl so it got broken and all the dishes dropped all over. he said during things like mv filming, people become sensitive and the mood isn't good. but now that he looks back at it, it became a good memory.
- chenle told the story about how he almost went to switzerland to continue his studies when he was in middle school, but didn't because he suddenly got a call from sm and just flew to korea.
- back then, chenle didn't want to go to switzerland, but his mom wanted him to. his mom already did a lot of research about good schools in switzerland, etc. chenle didn't want to go to korea either. but now, his thoughts are much different, and he now doesn't want to go back.
- lanlan recommended a vineyard in switzerland and suggested touring on foot so that we can look around and enjoy the atmosphere. chenle then said he doesn't have the stamina for it and that his stamina depends on the activity.
- nowadays chenle has a lot of schedules, so he doesn't have much time to go to the han river and hear the sound of the nature and water. so whenever there is free time, he would go outside and feel the wind blows and listen to music. at night, he would open the sunroof of his car and look at the stars. he can't really see the stars nowadays though, so he would just listen to music.
- chenle asked lanlan if she likes drinking wine and she said she doesn't know much about wine (probably which one is good, which one tastes better, etc). chenle said he doesn't either, he just knows that wine tastes delicious.
- when chenle does shopping with my mom, he gets a little mad and every 10 minutes, he tends to ask her "this is so hard, why can't we just go home?" I'm a little mad at her and will ask her "This is so hard, can we go home?" when his mom chooses his clothes, he would just sit on the sofa.
- there are fewer cars in switzerland so the air is clearer. so chenle said he wants to go there when he's old.
- lanlan talks about the mountains in switzerland that is covered by fog, and she told chenle that he has to go there by train and tolerate the cold temperature. chenle said his mind is selective, and that he can do something like that all day but going shopping for 10 minutes is hard for him.
- here is a clip of chenle yodeling
- chenle can tolerate cold weather better than hot weather
- when chenle watches tom and jerry, it makes him want to eat cheese. he doesn't like salty food. the sweet ones are fine.
- chenle's song rec : no place like home - hans zimmer & pharrell williams
THURSDAY, 210429
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (thor: ragnarok)
- today is the 200th day anniversary of chenle being akdong seoul's regular dj. chenle asked why there wasn't any sounds / celebrations on his 100th day, but turns out it's because kun was filling in for him at that time.
- someone asked chenle what he would do if he gained a big superpower. chenle has never thought about it because he doesn't know, because he believes that if a person gains a big power, it's inevitable that the person will be proud of themselves, forget their true intentions, and change for the worse. so chenle is scared of gaining a big superpower like that.
- zhuama talked about how zhuama teased him on tuesday in the youtube livechat and zhuama said "i lost my job as soon as i listen to the radio..?" and chenle jokingly said, "yeah, so when are you leaving?" and zhuama replied, "i'm not leaving!"
- chenle forgot what to say after the first half is done so zhuama commented about how chenle's not good at this job and yet he says things about wanting to fire her every day. chenle said he's thought of being fired by a guest.
- zhuama told chenle to explain why he likes a character and he said if he does, it's gonna take 2 hours. zhuama then told him to go on and she'll stop him if time's up. chenle said, "are you becoming the regular dj now?"
- chenle got confused in the middle of explaining the plot and zhuama teased him saying his job is disappearing
- zhuama recommended a few songs to be played today but they didn't get a chance to play them because they were too busy talking. so chenle said they should just play all the songs next week. they can just record the opening for next week today and then next week they don't have to come or talk about anything, they can just play the songs.
- out of the 7 songs that were supposed to be played, they only got the chance to play 3 songs because zhuama and chenle were so invested in talking about the movie
- chenle and zhuama recreated the 'get help' scene from the movie
- chenle said that due to the situation today, he won't announce the lucky listeners who will win a coffee coupon. zhuama was already outside the recording booth but she kept talking to chenle from outside, and chenle said "the reason zhuama leaves a comment all the time is because she wants to win a coffee coupon."
- chenle didn't like loki at first, but as he watched the movie more, he started liking him more
- chenle sang 'immigrant song' again
- chenle's song rec : boom - nct dream
FRIDAY, 210430
- daily program & topic : random radio
- chenle has set a small goal for himself recently to sleep before 3am. it's pretty hard for someone like him who tends to stay up all night so he wants to try sleeping before 3am.
- chenle prefers autumn and winter over spring and summer. he doesn't like spring because pollens are worse during spring and he gets allergies from them. he doesn't like summer because it's too hot. when chenle was on the way to radio, he slept in the car and he was sweating so much because of how hot it was.
- chenle got a little sulky today because they got fewer messages because pepple thought the radio is prerecorded and not live
- caoli jiejie was the one who got chenle custard buns (probably talking about the custard buns he shared on weibo)
- chenle often does video calls with his nephew. his nephew would say “uncle uncle uncle!”, and when chenle says “hi” his nephew would also say “hiiii~!" his nephew also knows how to blow kisses. chenle finds it healing to video call with his nephew.
- chenle doesn't really overthink when taking exams. he's just confident that it will come out well because he knows he has studied hard for it. he always does exams with this mindset.
- there is a part in one of the songs in the full album where chenle and mark sings together and it's chenle's favorite part in the album. he said fans will know exactly what part it is once they hear it.
- chenle's song rec : top of the world - carpenters


april 26, 2021 - may 2, 2021 highlights

SATURDAY, 210501
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- the reason why chenle had custard bun (naihuangbao) yesterday is because a sender's username has "huangbao" in it. he then said that naihuangbao tastes really good and that he loves mooncakes too. he then asked if there's any places selling custard buns in korea, so caoli jiejie got them for him.
- chenle finds a charm in traveling alone. he said it's nice to travel with other people but traveling alone brings a special feeling.
- chenle told the story about how he got to be a part of imlay's 'too good. a manager told him that there is a dj in the company that wants him to sing a song. chenle's first reaction was "HUH???? ME? WHY IS IT ME??" but then once he listened to the demo, he liked it. he also mentioned that because he sang the whole song, he practiced a lot before recording it.
- chenle asked chuyuan what he would do if his wife is into kpop groups. chuyuan said it's fine because she's already his wife anyway. chenle liked his answer and that he should always be that confident.
- chenle hasn't watched hotel del luna
- chenle's song rec : try - colbie caillat
SUNDAY, 210502
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the happiest moment i've ever spent with my family)
- chenle's family likes to travel but now they don't travel as much due to the pandemic. they'd send chenle pictures and say things like "you want to come along right?" chenle even said his family took a family picture without him yesterday and he joked that he's officially been disowned.
- chenle said he's the worst at technology. chenle's parents understand technology better than him. chenle's dad is better at computers than him, and his mom is better at smartphones than him. kun said he's talked to chenle's dad several times before and that he finds him pretty cool and trendy. chenle said if he touches a computer, it will instantly be broken.
- chenle has never had a rebellious phase. he's never had a phase where his relationship with his parents is tense and where he doesn't talk to his parents.
- chenle's grandparents lived right across his house in china so when he and his dad visit them using bicycle, they would always buy street food / snacks along the shops and the food was super delicious. when he visits his grandparents with his mom, they wouldn't stop to get anything. (he mentioned this story once on 210102)
- chenle once again told the story about how when he was in japan, chenle and his dad's bicycle got stuck in a ditch and both chenle and his dad fell on the ground, but chenle was fine, while his dad broke a rib. (he has told this story several times on 201104, 201210, 201220, 210102)
- chenle really wants to have a younger sibling, whether it be a brother or a sister. he has always wanted one ever since he was young. if he had a younger brother, he would bully him all the time, and if he had a younger sister, he would also bully her, but he would also be really good to her. he'd be really nice to his younger brother too, but even nicer to his younger sister.
- chenle likes going to amusement parks but he's never been to the biggest one in korea yet (everland theme park). he's only been there for a fansign.
- chenle's favorite ride in the amusement park is the rollercoaster
- the last time chenle took a family photo was 6 years ago. chenle said he doesn't really take that many family pictures, but after hearing a listener's story, it makes him want to take more pictures with his family when he gets home.
- chenle said he used to always be center for family pictures but now that spot has been taken by his nephew. chenle said he's just joking and that he doesn't mind not being center.
- chenle used to hate power outages when he was young. now he just lights up a candle and drink wine.
- when chenle was young, he was most scared of the dark. he was really timid.
- kun said chenle's dad told him to address him as "hyung", so chenle teased him saying that that means chenle should address kun as "uncle kun"
- kun said he's talked with chenle's dad before. he said that chenle's dad listens to exo songs and big bang songs, and that he can that.
- chenle retold the story of how he got into sm and said that it took a lot of convincing for him to finally say yes. his dad said sm is a very good company that wants to cast him, but he still insisted that he didn't want to go. his dad also said that it will be a great opportunity. finally chenle said yes.
- chenle's song rec : leave the door open - bruno mars, anderson .paak, silk sonic

may 3, 2021 - may 9, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said it's important to have a fire extinguisher in a home but he doesn't have one
- chenle was watching the new episode of "7illin in the dream" while the song was playing and he said the happiness he got from seeing the losers from playing games wash the dishes is a happiness that can't be any higher. he said it's a mean thing to say but he's still very happy.
- a listener said they accidentally deleted 10k nct pictures from their phone. chenle told them that this can be a great opportunity for them to have more of their own pictures because for nct pictures, they can just look them up on the internet.
- guozhen asked where chenle's abs are and he said, "you didn't know i have them?"
- a few days ago, chenle saw a long centipede in his apartment and almost shouted to call out his mom but he remembered that he lives alone so he needs to solve the problem himself. so he wrapped 5 pieces of tissues around his slipper and killed the centipede.
- chenle hates summer and he hates mosquitos in the summer, especially when they fly around our ears when we're sleeping, but he has a solution for them. chenle always lights a mosquito coil. he then covers himself really well with a blanket. but to make sure that he doesn't feel hot under the blanket, he turns on the air conditioner to the lowest setting of temperature so that it feels super cold just like winter.
- chenle's temperament is the worst when he has to deal with mosquitos at midnight. the first time, he would only go, "tsk.. ah..." and go back to sleep. the second time, he would do the same and poke his eyes in frustation. if it happens for a third time, he'll turn on the lights and look for the mosquito. he won't sleep until he kills the mosquito.
- when chenle was living in the dorms there were a lot of mosquitoes so the members would spray the entire room with bug repellent spray to kill the mosquitoes. chenle would comment something like, "if you do something like this, you would also kill us."
- chenle agrees that being born in a good place / being born with privilege is pretty important. however, he believes that the thing that is most important is your strength because no matter what you did when you are born, if your strength is strong, people will definitely see that. he continued saying that there are people who are born well but don't have good strength. people wouldn't choose them but instead choose other people who have better strength and work harder.
- someone in the youtube stream said chenle got buffer. he said he has only worked out 4-5 times, but he did work out just before coming to radio.
- chenle's gym trainer told him that he has a talent (probably referring to sports / body building) so he told chenle to come regularly and that if he does, in three months his body will be big. guozhen asked if chenle will continue to go, and chenle said not to expect anything.
- chenle said his abs / muscles are only for him to see. chenle gains muscles easily so he wouldn't go too far but he will only do it to jeno's extent, and he told us not to expect much (about him revealing his abs).
- chenle's song rec : the story never ends - lauv
TUESDAY, 210504
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle said it's a pretty normal thing for someone with a head as big as his to buy hats that don't fit his head. chenle can't wear haechan's hats but chenle's hats can cover haechan's head and even down to his nose.
- chenle said itzy's dance skills are really good. he told the story of how during 'boom' promotions, itzy was also doing promotions for 'icy'. he said they worked very hard and danced really well during the dry rehearsals and the dreamies were all very impressed.
- songyuan mentioned that enhypen debuted in november 2020 and chenle said aespa also debuted on the same month
- chenle said nct dream isn't really synchronized. he said when it comes to nct dream, each member interprets the dance in different ways so everyone has a different feel when dancing. the timing of their moves are the same but they each have a different feeling.
- chenle's song rec : mmm love - bob kelly (the green book ost)
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (beijing)
- from what chenle can remember, his first time traveling was to beijing and the second one was to hong kong
- chenle said the reason why he's so tongue-tied today is probably because he slept in the car for one hour. he sleeps really well in cars, and then later on at night he won't be able to sleep because he has already slept.
- lanlan said when she was young, she'd dream of going back in time and meeting a handsome prince. chenle's reply was, "how am i supposed to react? do you want me to go back in time and meet a pretty princess?"
- chenle said women probably like to buy scarfs because both lanlan and his mom likes buying scarfs
- lanlan introduced a place that's very far from the city and chenle's questions were "do people live there? how about delivery? can you order it? is the wifi good? can you use 5G there?" he then said it's a place worth going to because you can cut yourself off from the world.
- chenle went to a cafe in nanluocuchang, beijing. he ordered a glass of milk and stayed there for 10 minutes while talking to jisung on the phone. he didn't like coffee back then so that's why he ordered milk.
- chenle had a lot of fun when he went to the military museum with the guns and weapons
- chenle went to the end of the great wall of china but near the end, his dad had to carry chenle on his back because chenle got tired
THURSDAY, 210506
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (kung fu hustle)
- when chenle was young, he got a chance to perform with young shaolin disciples and he thought they were really cool when using nunchucks.
- chenle liked watching dragon wall and he'd imagine hinself becoming super saiyan. he'd imagine all kinds of scenes before going to sleep and he also imagined himself having the same kind of yellow pointy hair. he stopped imagining this 2 years ago because he grew up.
- chenle finds the movie 'kung fu hustle' to be comedic and hilarious. chenle watched this movie with his dad when he was younger. he has watched it many times.
- chenle thinks the action in the movie is really cool
- chenle and zhuama recited some lines from the movie
- zhuama called chenle peng-d and chenle said, "please leave"
- chenle said even though this movie was released a long time ago (2004), it's a timeless movie that's still good to be watched now
- chenle's song rec : forever - aespa
FRIDAY, 210507
- daily program & topic : random radio
- chenle didn't know any korean at all before coming to korea and he learned it mainly from talking to the people around him and taking classes. he's quite impressed that jisung was so patient with him because jisung is not a patient person. chenle said he wasn't afraid of making mistakes, he would just keep talking to jisung. he also learned the way jisung speaks. he said he just learned a lot from jisung.
- chenle also expanded his korean vocabulary by watching k-dramas in 2019
- chenle said during chewing gum era he was a young energetic boy but now he's old. he saw his sweaty, unshaved face in the mirror today during practice and his first thought was "wow, i turned old."
- a listener once promised chenle to study chinese well and today they told chenle that they got full marks on their chinese exam. chenle said it's nice and that he likes people who keep their promises the most.
- guozhen asked chenle if there's a rapper he respects and chenle said "uh... mark?"
- chenle's song rec : 좋아 (like it) - minseo and yoon jongshin
SATURDAY, 210508
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- for chenle, home is a healing place where you can recharge
- chenle sang michael buble's 'home'
- chenle is someone who likes to imagine and think of ideals but he thinks he's also realistic. he said we have to come back to reality as well and that we can't just be daydreaming all the time.
- chenle usually just listens to whatever song the gym is playing when he's working out at the gym. but when he's going out for a walk, he likes to listen to ballads and romantic, slow songs because there's a certain feeling to them.
- chenle said his alarm is so scary and that he always wakes up after hearing it
- chenle's favorite ed sheeran's song is 'perfect'. he sang a little bit of it.
- chenle said he can sing to a song that we recommended but it has to be a song that he isn't familiar with so he told us to recommend songs songs that he doesn't know.
- chenle said sg wannabe has many iconic songs
- a listener called chenle "peng-d" and chenle jokingly got mad and said he won't read their messages next time, and he said even if caoli jiejie adds this listener's letter next time, he still won't read it and he'll just make up his own stories / write his own letter
- chenle hasn't watched 'mulan' (both the animated and live action ones)
- chenle's favorite disney song is 'can you feel the love tonight' from 'the lion king'. he even sang a little bit of the song.
- chenle's song rec : water boy - kris bowers (the green book ost)
SUNDAY, 210509
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the happiest moment i've ever spent with my family)
- during new year's dinner, the kids (chenle, his older cousin and his older brother) would play 斗地主 (dou dizhu)
- chenle remembers that when he went to suzhou, there was a hotel that looked like a cruise ship. the view of the hotel was of the lake and the food at the restaurant was delicious. chenle went there many times. chenle also likes hangzhou, he said it's always very fun with his parents.
- chenle said he wants to go back home, eat one meal, then come back to korea again
- a listener told a story about a family trip. chenle said he has also went to that place and it was fun. but then he said he was asleep the whole time so it wasn't as fun.
- when chenle has meals with his family, they’ll always have games after and his brother, cousins and aunt will play together, at his grandma’s, at his grandpa’s house, they’ll do a lucky draw and everyone will win some money. it's a matter of how much / how little the money is.
- chenle's personality is more like his dad meanwhile his brother's personality is more like his mom
- chenle gains weight really easily whenever he goes back to china. the most weight he has ever gained was 8kg. he would drink at least 3 cups of bubble tea (lelecha & heytea) and his dad would always buy him seafood. chenle can eat 4 times a day and then after eating, his parents would take him for an evening walk. chenle added that when they have breaks like this, it's usually only for less than a week so he uses this chance to eat whatever he can.
- chenle told the story of how he and jisung went to shanghai in 2019. chenle's parents took them everywhere and they ate a lot. they also went to chenle's grandma's house to eat. chenle found it memorable because it's the first time a member went to his house. he also mentioned that his youngest aunt insisted on going to the airport with chenle and his parents to pick jisung up because she wanted to join in the fun.
- chenle said that even though he already has a brother, he thinks it would be even better if he also had a younger sister
- chenle doesn't like long drives because he'll go crazy being in that space for too long
- a listener told a story about a trip with their friend and chenle commented, "whoa... this friend of yours is rich..."
- chenle's song rec : free love - honne

may 10, 2021 - may 16, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210510
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said he hopes we listen to the new 'hot sauce' album well and like the songs
- a listener asks what chenle's day tastes like today. chenle said it's like pork backbone stew because he likes it a lot and is craving it right now. he feels happy when he eats it because of how delicious it is, and today is a day when he feels happy so today tastes like it.
- when it comes to hot sauces, chenle likes lao gan ma the most because it goes well with everything
- chenle said he was so happy when he was on his way to radio. he was really sleepy but he was happy while being sleepy.
- chenle said that when he's sleepy, he usually just sleeps. but if he's in a situation where he can't sleep, he drinks some coffee, slap himself, splash water on his face, wash his face, or move around a bit.
- chenle said that at the beginning, he didn't really care / think much about the results of the comeback and neither did the other members. they focused more on working hard and preparing with no regrets since it's their first comeback as 7dream since 2018 and it's their first full album. so their focus was to work hard without regrets, create good memories that will last for a lifetime, do promotions happily and overall just be happy. chenle didn't expect to have this much amount of overwhelming support so he's very thankful for the fans and said the fans give him strength to do things. he said he will work even harder.
- chenle talked about singing technique and said when you're singing you need to control your voice with your diaphragm, and that you can't use your throat. he said pitch control is the most basic and important thing so if your pitch is off, no matter how good your skills / technique is, it won't matter.
- a long time ago, they were going to record a song and a staff member told them that the producer is really fierce and scary. chenle is pretty brave but he doesn't like people intimidating him or being fierce to him. when he met the producer, they turned out to be really nice and friendly so chenle didn't know why the staff thought they were fierce.
- if other people tell chenle something bad about another person, he will only listen but he won't judge that person until he personally interacts with them. he does this because people may think negatively of someone because they're biased so he doesn't want to be affected by others' opinions.
- chenle said kids don't understand the concept of appreciating someone, so they might just tease or bully please close to them but the degree to which they do it, matters. they can't / shouldn't hurt people when teasing them.
- chenle said even if you are going through puberty, you still have to listen to other people. no matter how close you are with someone, you have to remember that you have to respect them as a person. chenle said he also play pranks with people he's not close with sometimes, but he always makes sure that he's not crossing the line or otherwise that person would get hurt.
- chenle is really satisfied with the fact that there's a lot of parts in this album where he sings together mark. he gives 'my youth' and 'anl' as an example in which in 'anl' he sings in the higher register while mark sings in the lower register and it turns out to be very nice.
- chenle said the best way to get close to people is by talking to them and gossiping because everyone in this world is nosey
- chenle's song rec : rainbow - nct dream
TUESDAY, 210511
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle's favorite version out of the 3 versions of the hot sauce album is crazy version when it comes to style and concept. but after he saw how the pictures turned out, he likes boring version more.
- for the song 'rainbow', all the dream members wrote words they want to say to each other and to the fans. before they made this song, they talked about what we wanted to say to each other and how they feel with this comeback. then the lyricist combined them together. that's why chenle thinks this song is really meaningful.
- chenle's top 4 songs from the 'hot sauce' album are 'countdown', 'my youth', 'anl' and 'rainbow' but his most favorite is 'rainbow'
- chenle said time passed really fast and they're already in their 6th year of debut, and they went from a sweet concept in chewing gum to a spicy concept in hot sauce
- chenle said they don't really care about the rankings since they've worked hard. even without the chart results, they are already working hard but having such results in the charts makes dream happier and it motivates them to work even harder.
- chenle usually takes one hour to finish recording songs. it's not that he wasn't serious, but more because he was already satisfied with the recording. but for the 'hot sauce' album he took longer than usual because he wanted it to be perfect, so he kept feeling unsatisfied with the recordings and wanted to re-record until it was perfect.
- chenle loves super junior's yesung's voice a lot and he said it's his favorite kind of sad, mellow sound. chenle said all yesung's songs have a unique style, and listening to his voice will make us understand the feeling of his songs. chenle really likes his song paper umbrella. chenle aid every time he listens to his song, he feels like he's going to fall down.
- chenle mentioned that oh my girl came back at the same time as dream last year and that he really likes oh my girl's 'dolphin'
- chenle really likes the song 'everytime' by punch and chen
- chenle's song rec : i feel fline - kris browers
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (tuscany, italy)
- chenle mentioned that may 1 is may day / workers' day, a day in which all workers get some rest. but chenle said he had a schedule that day and he was really tired.
- one of chenle's favorite basketball players nowadays is juan toscano-anderson
- chenle was curious as to how lanlan communicate when she travels abroad. lanlan said she uses basic / daily english. chenle said he'll talk to mark and test what level lanlan's english is.
- lanlan talked about florence, the capital city of tuscany, and chenle said he knows florence's soccer team
- chenle said he doesn't like sad movies because it makes him feel sad too
- chenle asked if lanlan's husband is able to carry lanlan to the 400th floor of a building and lanlan said no. chenle said he should be able to because that's the power of love. lanlan said they actually didn't get a chance to go up because it was almost closed back then, but chenle said she shouldn't be afraid because her husband was there. lanlan said she was afraid it would bother him. chenle said, "maybe he's the one who's going to ask you to carry him to the top floor,"
- lanlan said chenle is still a kid so he should just eat candy. chenle said he's already of legal age so he can drink.
- chenle said, "now let's talk about the SOUTH." (he said south in english). and then he said this radio is international radio so they should speak english.
- lanlan said she hasn't been too happy recently. chenle asked her why, he said, "why are you unhappy? tell me so we can gossip."
- lanlan said there are a lot of handsome men in the southern part of italy. chenle asked her, "what about the pretty girls?" and lanlan said "i don't know, i only looked at the men." and then chenle said, "I need to google that..."
- lanlan talked about eating pizza in italy and chenle said he's going to eat pizza for today's night snack because he always orders food for him to eat at home after radio.
- they talked about the amafi beach and chenle said he heard the beach is beautiful. he also said it's gorgeous (in english)
- chenle said he doesn't like sparkling water. he said if we're going to drink it, why can't we just drink soda or water?
- chenle has never gone to italy but he really wants to. he wants to visit venice, the city of water.
THURSDAY, 210513
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (space sweepers)
- zhuama said they were supposed to talk about 'guardians of the galaxy' but she didn't get a chance to watch it so they're gonna talk about 'space sweepers'
- chenle said he has seen song joong-ki at an award show once. he said he's very handsome. chenle saw him from afar and it was really like seeing a celebrity. even as a guy, he almost felt nervous seeing him.
- today zhuama talks more about the film. chenle said "finally i can get some rest". zhuama said she actually chose this movie because she knows chenle is probably really tired because it's currently comeback season, and that's why she chose a movie she already knows really well so that she can be the one who talks more. chenle then commented, "how sweet so considerate~"
- chenle asked zhuama if they can talk about 'ultraman' next week. he said his ultraman knowledge is the same as his marvel knowledge. he said, "let me introduce you to ultraman zero!" he said it's really fun.
- zhuama said in 100 years they will be living in a VR world. chenle said it's really scary to think about how the world will be 100 years from now. he's too scared to imagine it.
- chenle said the ending of this film is really nice and it gives us a picture of how the earth would be like in the future if we preserve and take care of it.
- chenle's song rec : big big world - emilia
- daily program & topic : random radio (special with 7dream)
- dreamies did the greetings in both korean and chinese
- jisung introduced himself as chenle's gege (older brother) and chenle said, "HUH???"
- renjun introduced himself as akdong seoul's ex-dj
- haechan introduced himself as sun-d
- haechan said he has watched chenra videos. when chenle asked him what videos he watched, he said it's videos of chenle spoiling the choreography.
- jeno said this is his first time seeing a dj pose / sit like chenle. chenle said he's doing it comfortably.
- chenle asked about how he is as a dj, and jisung said chenle is like a pro.
- haechan suggested that they should battle on who can eat the spiciest food today. chenle commented, “are you planning on not singing tomorrow?”
- chenle asked everyone if they liked beret renjun or beret chenle more. everyone said beret renjun. chenle then said, "i lost interested to do this (conversation)..."
- chenle and mark sang a little bit of anl
- chenle performed his irreplaceable verse
- when chenle was recording hot sauce, he was out of tune a lot because the key was pretty high for him and his condition wasn't that well that day. he said it's his first time recording something where he got that many voice cracks.
- dreamies mentioned their favorite b-side tracks. mark's is anl, renjun's is rocket, jeno's is my youth, haechan's is irreplaceable, jaemin liked rainbow before but he likes irreplaceable a lot now, and jisung's is dive into you.
- chenle asked out of all the content they've filmed for the comeback, which one does the members like most. jaemin and chenle both said 7illin in the dream, and jisung said it's the cafe 7 dream one. jaemin said he washed so many dishes during 7illin. chenle then said that must've been fun and jaemin must've been so happy.
- chenle mentioned that the mv at that point had 65 million views and dream were all very shocked when chenle told them that.
- chenle asked renjun who he would want to sing a duet with out of all the dreamies, he said he's fine with anyone but doing one with every member would be good too.
- chenle told a story about how he got to wear a skirt for his crazy concept. during the outfit fitting, he asked the stylist, "noona is this for real? is this even right?" and the stylist said that it really suits him and that it's cute and pretty. but chenle still wasn't sure, so he whispered to another member (he forgot who) who was also around there, and he asked the member for his thoughts. the member said it looks okay, so chenle thought that since two people already said it looks okay, then it's probably okay. jisung then said the member that was there was him. other members also said the skirt looks good on him. chenle then said it's actually nice that the skirt trended.
- mark asked if he should read the korean or chinese comment. then dreamies said, "the english one!"
- haechan mentioned how although cafe 7 dream started off as an april fool's joke, it ended up being included in the album, which is good.
- dream talked about their promise to make meringue on stage and holding it over their heads if they win 1st place, and chenle said the loser has to go to busan with him
- 7dream gave their ending ments
SATURDAY, 210515
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chuyuan told chenle about his cat that isn't afraid of strangers. chenle said chuyuan's cat and daegal would get along really well, so chenle asked if he could bring daegal to chuyuan's house sometimes to let the two have a playdate and chuyuan agreed.
- chenle said his son, his baby, mark is really cute. if he has a son like mark, he will really thank the whole universe. he really wishes that his future son will be as cute as mark. he said even a son half as cute as mark would be enough.
- when chenle goes back to china for vacation, he wouldn't be able to sleep the night before the flight because he's too excited and he's afraid that he'll wake up late and miss the flight. so even if he sleeps, he would prepare everything he needs to bring the day before, and then sleep in the clothes that he'll wear for the next day so when he wakes up, he can just leave.
- chenle said he has selective stamina so there are things he just can't do or things he's too tired to do, but if you ask him to play basketball the whole day, it won't be hard for him.
- chenle said all of our feelings, whether it be happy, angry, or sad feelings, when we look back at them in a few years, all of them will be happy memories in the future. he told us to accept all feelings we have and that all our feelings are valid.
- if chenle is already doing well in his studies, his parents will still compare him other kids. chenle just listens to it because he believes everyone can be good at different things.
- chenle is more interested in going to the future than going back to the past
- chenle's song rec #1 : make a wish - nct u
- chenle's song rec #2 : 90's love - nct u

SUNDAY, 210516
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most memorable line from a drama
- if jungwoo or mark came over chenle's house and were about to go home, chenle would say, "uh... bye~ call me when you get home~"
- chenle wished good luck to all exam takers who are currently preparing hard. he told them not to be nervous and to relax because if you've prepared well and reviewed well then you're ready and there will be no mistakes.
- chenle asked kun if his mom is a good cook and kun said yes. chenle said his mom is also a good cook. he said their moms will be happy if they listen to the radio broadcast.
- whenever chenle's mom cooks food, he and his father always share it. when they finish the food quickly and say it's delicious, his mom becomes delighted and happy.
- a listener called chenle "dad" but called kun "oppa" (older brother) so chenle said that means kun is his son
- one time, chenle was so tired that he couldn't eat. his mom became upset because he didn't eat the food she prepared, so he felt bad.
- chenle kept talking about the series 'friends' so kun introduced himself as zhuama who is chenle's guest on thursdays for moonlight cinema
- kun jokingly said he won't come next week and then chenle said "okay! don't come then!"
- chenle recited one of the most famous lines in the drama 'goblin'
- if chenle finds a good scene in a movie, he will capture it and he will write the lines of that scene i

may 17, 2021 - may 23, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle didn't notice the song has finished playing because he was watching the 7dream showcase behind and got distracted because of how cute mark is
- chenle ordered rice noodles and soup yesterday before the fansign. he was eating it while listening to music. after he was finished and was cleaning up, he turned his head and accidentally made his airpod fell into the soup. he picked it up immediately but it was already ruined. no more sound played from the airpod, so he just bought a new pair of airpods today. he said he lost track of how many times he had changed his airpods. he said last time he lost it, but this time it's truly his fault because he straight up killed it.
- caoli jiejie took over for guozhen today
- chenle has never thought about going back to the 70s or 80s but he does enjoy old songs from those eras
- chenle showed caoli pictures of him in a skirt and caoli said the skirt radiates british style, and chenle said he looked very pretty. chenle said he "recently found his teenage girl heart".
- chenle told us not to take anything too seriously, but to also not take them too lightly. if we take them too lightly, we may become careless. if we take them too seriously, we'll be stressed and you‘ll be off. so we should find the balance. he said it is indeed easier said than done and even he struggles to do so.
- chenle said he's too lazy to post on social media and he posts more texts than pictures. he also mentioned that he doesn't really like taking selfies.
- chenle overthinks a lot. for every situation, he can come up with 6 to 7 different possibilities. but he accepts all of the possibilities and consider it as practice for anything that might happen, so that no matter what happens, he will be prepared.
- chenle said we don't have to think too much about our friends having other friends because everyone has more than one friend.
- caoli used to be the guest dj for top of akdong seoul so chenle jokingly asked if caoli has ever considered coming back to the show and kicking kun out
- a few days ago chenle ate steamed custard buns again. the other members ate burgers but he didn't want to eat fast good so he ordered dimsum and gained energy after eating them. he ate one custard bun by himself and shared another custard bun with mark and renjun.
- chenle laughs really easily. he told a story about how during 'from home' promotions, renjun's voice cracked right before chenle's part so chenle struggled to keep his laughter to himself and make himself look sad. chenle said to stop yourself from laughing, you can bite your inner cheeks until it hurts. it's effective but we have to make sure that we don't bite it until it bleeds.
TUESDAY, 210518
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle sang aespa's 'black mamba'
- chenle mentioned aespa's concept video (sm culture universe) and said nct has filmed the same thing a few years ago (nctmentary). but he admitted that he doesn't understand the concepts. he only thinks, "oh the special visual effects are nice!" "oh, this is filmed well!", etc.
- lai lai explained the connection between aespa's 'next level' and 'black mamba' and the whole 'kwangya' thing, and chenle was mindblown. he said it felt like he came here for a lesson.
- chenle was fascinated when he found out 'fromis_9' means 'from idol school'
- chenle has watched the series 'black mirror'
- chenle's song rec : yo yo ma - lady caliph
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (paju)
- chenle was asked what he would recommend to people who don't like traveling far. he said if you don't like traveling then just stay at home, he doesn't know what else to recommend.
- when chenle doesn't have that much free time, he would go to a basketball field and do a one-day-trip. it's been a while since he's been to yeouido and the han river so it's been a while since he played basketball too.
- lanlan commented on chenle's basketball knowledge and chenle said "of course, you have to collect all the information to enjoy basketball"
- chenle just went to paju a few days ago to shoot something
- they talked about how it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to go to paju. chenle said he'd rather go to incheon which only takes an hour, so he can cut off the 30 minutes.
- chenle mentioned that there's a really beautiful place in incheon and it is the incheon international airport
- they talked about the paju provence village and lanlan said the buildings there are beautiful and there are a lot of pastel colors around. chenle said he really likes pink and he likes bright / pastel colors, especially pink.
- they talked a little bit about greece and chenle said giannis antetokounmpo is a great basketball prayer from greece and that he won the award for best nba player last year
THURSDAY, 210520
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (ultraman zero: the revenge of berial)
- chenle told us not to be afraid of making mistakes, and if we make mistakes, we can ask our friends for help. we can talk to our friends more so we can improve and learn from our mistakes. he used his experience in learning korean as an example. he wasn't afraid of making mistakes and he kept talking to jisung, and jisung would always correct him when he makes mistakes.
- the main reason why chenle likes ultraman so much is because of the relationship / connection between ultraman and humans. they work together to protect the planet, and chenle finds it endearing.
- chenle has watched all 'detective conan' films
- zhuama asked if all 7 members of nct dream could become ultraman, who would chenle be. chenle said he'd be ultraman zero, he'd be the strongest one.
- chenle's song rec : wish - urban zakapa
FRIDAY, 210521
- daily program & topic : random radio
- if chenle stops focusing on a movie, he will just stop watching the movie and go to sleep instead
- when chenle loses focus while doing something, there's nothing he can do about it other than to do it because it's work. he dislikes feeling like this so he would try to find joy in what he's doing so that he doesn't lose focus.
- zhuama said her friends are going back home to china soon and chenle jokingly said zhuama should also go back to china so that she'll find someone else to talk about movies to
- chenle likes going out and doing outdoor activities but nowadays he usually goes out to play basketball. he also likes exercising and playing a 1v1 game against mark.
- one time, chenle video called kun while drinking red wine together. chenle has two phones, so he uses one phone to video call kun and the other one to video call his dad. kun and chenle's dad ended up talking to each other through the phones.
- chenle said now he works out regularly. yesterday he went to the gym and played basketball after working out. whenver he has some break time, he'll go to the gym. yesterday chenle only slept for 5 hours and then he worked out.
- chenle didn't gain any weight during his self quarantine because he didn't eat more, he just ate his normal portion. chenle said that compared to how he used to be, he now doesn't have that much of a strong interest in food, but he still has some favorite food that he likes to eat.
- zhuama said running is a good way to lose weight but it's tiring and chenle said nothing isn't tiring. he said the more tiring it is, the better the outcome will be.
- if chenle wants to meditate, it has to be in a really comfortable environment, outdoors in nature where he can really breathe in some fresh air
- about an hour before chenle goes out of his house for schedules, he’ll cook some food to eat
- ever since he was young, chenle has always been interested in cooking and there are a lot of dishes he can cook really well. chenle used to accompany his mom to buy pots, pans, and woks and he'd see how the tools are used to cook food, and then he'd learn from there, go home and cook food for himself.
- chenle recommended cooking based on a fixed recipe first and getting comfortable with it before free-styling
- chenle also used to bake desserts like cookies and cakes when he was younger but he hasn't baked in a long time. chenle used to bake a lot with his mom during his summer breaks when he was younger.
SATURDAY, 210522
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle sang a little bit of 'power up' by red velvet
- chenle said anyone whose favorite song from the 'hot sauce' album is 'rainbow' can get along well with him
- to chenle, recharging energy means doing something he likes, even if it means getting tired after doing it. after he plays basketball, he'll feel tired, but it's still considered as a form of recharging for him. he added that he also has good physical strength / endurance.
- chenle likes to take daegal for walks or runs and she has a better stamina than him. this is the first time he has ever met a person whose stamina is better than him. then chuyuan said daegal isn't a person so chenle corrected himself by saying, "um... a creature, that have better stamina than me."
- chenle said daegal is his daughter. he said she's really energetic and she always asks people to play with her.
- a song that has stuck with chenle for a long time / has been with him for a long time is 'you raise me up'. that's the only song he could think of. he has been singing that song ever since he was very little and he still likes it up to this day. back then, when he sang the song, he just sang it. but now, there's a feeling and message that he wants to put out when he sings that song, he sings it with feelings now.
- chenle is good at holding himself back. no matter how much he wants to eat, he can hold himself back from eating.
- chenle sang a little bit of shinee's 'ring ding dong' part 2 part 3
- chenle tried to do the hot sauce intro part 2
- chenle said he's going to play 'ring ding dong' at least 10 times later at home. he said the 'my personal playlist' segment is done now but 'ring ding dong' is going to be stuck in our heads for the rest of the night.
- chenle's song rec : if you - bigbang
SUNDAY, 210523
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most memorable line from a drama)
- if chenle gets a chance to star in a drama, he would want to be in a melodrama or idol romance drama ('you who came from the stars', 'legend of the blue sea', etc). he also mentioned 'goblin' but then he said, "no, i can't be an ahjussi / uncle". he said he wants to be the protagonist in the drama.
- when chenle is angry he'll think about why this thing made him angry and try to understand the situation. if it still doesn't make sense to him, he'll reason with the person.
- chenle is a person of action, but it still depends on the situation. when it comes to things he wants to do, he'll definitely do it, but when it comes to things he doesn't want to do, he'll never do it.
- chenle said sometimes we see someone succeed but we don't know how hard they've worked before that. that's why we shouldn't judge people based on how it looks because behind it all, they might have worked really hard.
- when chenle does something and the first thing he thinks is, "this is hard.", his urge to do it will immediately disappear and he won't be in the mood to do it anymore.
- whenever chenle goes back home to china, he always visits his grandparents. he also visits his old close friends, classmates and teachers. he always does this because he doesn't know if he'll get another chance to see them again so he always does it so that he won't have any regrets later on.
- he also takes a lot of pictures with his relatives when they ask him for pictures. he takes pictures to keep as memories. he said that if we don't take pictures, when we look back at it, there won't be anything to see (any photograph to see) so it will be sad.
- chenle asked kun why he seemed tired today. kun said "isn't it because of you?!", so chenle repied "you worked hard today". kun said "i think this program shouldn't be called 'top of akdong seoul' but instead 'top of kun's sufferings'"
- chenle's song rec : monster - shawn mendes, justin bieber

may 24, 2021 - may 30, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210524
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle just went to the gym today and up until now he has never really looked at his body but he took off his shirt today to get his body cheked by the trainer. when he saw it, he was like, "this is MY body?!". chenle's gym trainer even told him to slow down because his body is changing really quickly. chenle said he's happy with himself now.
- chenle said loneliness is unavoidable and there will always be moments when we're lonely so we don't have to be afraid of it and should embrace it instead. think of it as a good / new beginning in our lives and don't be afraid.
- chenle said it's okay to take things slow when it comes to finding your dream because you can't just tell yourself to quickly find your dream because it will instead weight you even more. chenle suggested the op to find something they enjoy doing, but still continue to do well in school. because we can't avoid school, it's something we need to do and need to finish, so do well at school. in the meantime, op should find their dream.
- a listener said they got nominated for student council but they're nervous. chenle said op getting nominated means other people have seen op's potential and ability. it's completely okay to be nervous but op has to trust themselves just as much as other people trusts them. chenle added that even if op fails, it can still be considered a success because op overcame their initial fear. he said as long as op has prepared well, op will be able to do it and hopefully the results will be something that op is happy with.
- a listener's coworkers are spreading rumors about them in the workplace. chenle said we shouldn't be afraid of the rumors because they're just rumors. as long as we do our best in the job, there won't be an issue since we didn't do anything wrong. he also told us to be the best version of ourselves and debunk the rumors / prove people wrong.
- another tip chenle gave is gossiping with coworkers or making small talk like "where did you get your bag?" or "where did you buy your clothes?", etc. by doing that, we can definitely get closer to coworkers. chenle said when he makes small talks like this with people, it's because he's genuinely interested and wants to talk to the person.
- chenle's temper usually doesn't reach a point where he would have arguments with people because he's too lazy for conflict. but even if it does happen, he'll reflect first and think about everything that happened that led up to the fight to see if he did anything wrong. if he finds something he did wrong, he won't fight anymore because he knows that he made mistakes too. he said it's pretty rare for two people to be fighting where only 1 person is wrong. usually both parties have mistakes, so it's better to just mutually apologize and forgive one another. when chenle realizes he's in the wrong too, he feels that he has no right to criticize the other person.
- *chenle's song rec : 夏洛特煩惱 - 金志文 (charlotte's worry - jin zhiwen) *
TUESDAY, 210525
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- a listener thanked chenle for giving them delicious food recommendations. chenle said he'll continue to give food recommendations and he said, "eat a lot and gain a lot of weight!... that sounds mean... it's a joke... you have to eat a lot of good food and exercise a lot to be healthy!"
- chenle told the story of how he's seen song joong-ki again. (he mentioned it once on 210513). he said he has seen him at an award show before and he was so cool that it felt like seeing a celebrity, even though chenle himself is also a celebrity. but when chenle saw song joong-ki it was like he was seeing a celebrity when he was doing daily shopping or something.
- chenle hopes one day they can work with an actor or actress for their music video. he thinks it'll be really fun and he can learn a lot of things because he's never worked with an actor / actress before.
- chenle told the story of how the dream members saw taemin's 'move' being played in the company before it was officially released. (he's told this story before on 210219). they were in the practice room practicing for a comeback and the monitor in the room played taemin's 'move'. they were really surprised and impressed because of how good it was. it was a dance style they've never seen in kpop before.
- chenle said taemin has a unique style that makes people immediately know that it's him
- chenle said bts has a lot of good songs and he likes the songs 'spring day', 'fake love', and 'butterfly'.
- chenle sang a little bit of post malone's 'sunflower'
- chenle's song rec : sunflower - post malone, swae lee
- daily program & topic : listening to the world - harbin
- chenle just dyed his hair pink today. when he saw the monitor he was shocked because the pink was so vibrant. he's a little embarrassed about it.
- chenle said "even if you grow up, you're still a baby. that's why i'm a baby."
- chenle prefers cold weather over hot weather. the reason is because when it's cold, you can just wear more clothing and it won't feel cold anymore. but when it's hot / warm, even if you take off all your clothes, it will still feel warm. it will still feel hot even if you peel off your skin.
- during winter, chenle still turns on the air conditioner when he sleeps at night
- chenle's drink today is from starbucks and it's possibly iced vanilla latte
- chenle said wedding on ice is so romantic, too romantic. he might consider it for the future. he said it would be so good. he then said if the church was made from ice, it would be even more romantic. he also mentioned ice sculptures, etc. lanlan said it would be expensive, but chenle said a wedding is a once in a lifetime thing so we have to do it to our complete satisfaction and perfection so money doesn't really matter when it comes to this.
- chenle has never been to harbin but he really wants to go there because he heard that it's really cold there and the snow is really thick
- chenle and lanlan talked about how in akdong seoul, they rarely ever play the first song because chenle and the guests always talk so much. the first song only plays when chenle feels sleepy and doesn't feel like talking to much. so chenle told lanlan to tell his manager to pack his schedule for the day so that once he does radio, he would feel sleepy / tired.
- chenle said he'll invite lanlan to his wedding in the future
- chenle's manager really like qingdao beer. one time when they were filming chenji this and that, chenle's manager came with him to shanghai and his manager drank qingdao beer with chenle's dad. chenle didn't drink back then because he was still a minor.
- chenle said doing a livestream of his wedding would be really innovative. lanlan said she'll host it if it happens. chenle then said in the middle of it he'll be like, "okay, let's look at some comments!" "what's the tmi today?"
- chenle's song rec : diggity - nct dream
THURSDAY, 210527
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (venom)
- chenle doesn't like rain that much because it makes it harder to go outside but he really likes the sound of rain. he doesn't like it when it rains heavily but he likes it when it's only drizzling.
- chenle said he has nice kids / babies around him who been treating him well. he then said, "you all know who i'm talking about, right?"
- chenle asked why zhuama chose the movie 'venom' today. zhuama said it's because last week they talked about kids' superhero (ultraman), so today they'll talk about adults' superhero. then chenle said his brother who was born in 1988 and already has a son, still watches ultraman with him.
- chenle's son (mark) doesn't understand ultraman
- chenle asked if zhuama has tried pig brain. he said it's available at haidilao (a hot pot restaurant). zhuama said she hasn't tried it, and chenle said he hasn't either. zhuama then said, "THEN WHY DO YOU ASK?!"
- chenle asked zhuama if she watched the 'friends' special feature (reunion) today. zhuama said she didn't. chenle said it was released today, it was a special reunion and it was emotional. zhuama asked chenle if he cried watching it, he said, "of course i didn't! but it was very touching~". he talked about how it's been 17 years since the last time they gathered together.
- chenle's song rec : photograph - ed sheeran
FRIDAY, 210528
- daily program & topic : random radio
- chenle mentioned how the words playing at the back of the 'hot sauce' chorus ("menea para abajo") is spanish
- chenle said the 'hot sauce' choreography isn't that hard
- the original demo for 'hot sauce' is titled 'calamari'
- chenle said his korean has been improving but he doesn't know why. he said his korean is smoother now, and he thinks in korean most of the time. he has even dreamed in korean and there were korean people in his dream.
- they were talking about jisung's part in the song and chenle translated it perfectly and guozhen said chenle looks really proud right now
- chenle rapped his akdong seoul second part intro and then he said, "hhhhhh why am i doing this to myself...."
- chenle doesn't really pay attention to the other members' parts. he's to focused on perfecting his own parts / performing his own parts well. he said as long as they're performing their parts well too then it's okay, he should focus on his own things first.
- when chenle was still in school, he really liked to ask questions to the teachers. he didn't do it to mess around, he really was genuinely curious and he wanted to know the answers. the teachers knew he liked to ask questions and that his curiousity was high. when chenle kept asking questions, it meant he was focusing / paying attention. so the teachers knew that when chenle wasn't talking, that meant he wasn't paying attention.
- chenle believes that if you live a fast paced life, and all of a sudden you have moments of being alone, you'll feel a pretty big difference. but if you always feel alone, you just get used to it.
- chenle's song rec : 需要人陪 (need some company) - 赵磊 王力宏
SATURDAY, 210529
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle announced that chuyuan is now a father! he has a newborn son. chenle asked if chuyuan would let his son meet "uncle chenle" and chuyuan said he'll let the two meet after his son is one month old / after he gets out of the hospital.
- chenle thinks music is really amazing because when you feel anxious and you listen to more calming music, you'll become more calm and comforted.
- recently chenle really likes ultraman and he really likes the songs from ultraman too
- chenle has never watched 'toy story'
- chenle said he feels like going to the beach and lying under the sun. thinking of it is comfortable. he talked about how comfortable it was when he went to the beach, wore sunglasses and drank coconut the last time he went to indonesia (he actually meant vietnam, but he probably got the two mixed up).
- the only formal graduation ceremony chenle attended his his elementary school graduation. he didn't attend his middle school graduation because he was already in korea. he never experienced throwing his graduation cap up in the air. chenle did take pictures during his elementary school graduation, but chenle doesn't stay in contact with many people from elementary school. he doesn't even remember the names and faces of a lot of them.
- chenle talked about how 'a new beginning' was his and renjun's graduation project. they were told to write a song together. when they were brainstorming the ideas for the song, they thought about how graduation means an end to something but a new beginning for something else. it's a new start to their lives so they must face all the obstacles positively.
- chenle's cousin proposed to his girlfriend recently. they went to take wedding pictures yesterday, and when chenle saw the pictures, he was very happy for them. he said although he didn't raise them, seeing something like this makes him happy, from the bottom of his heart.
- chenle's song rec : happy life - roland faunte
SUNDAY, 210530
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the thing that reminds you of summer)
- chenle has a lot of regrets regarding graduation because the only graduation he attended was his elementary school graduation
- chenle can remember all of his friends from middle school. his last day of middle school was just like a usual friday. he didn't tell his friends he was going to korea. he just said goodbye to them just like usual but it felt very different to him. that day, his school was holding a charity sale. he loves charity sales / flea markets, and he sold his own albums and photos before. he said people actually bought them. (he mentioned this once on 201112).
- chenle said an important thing to remember when playing basketball is acting cool. it doesn't matter if you score because women / girls pay more attention to the players who are cool or does cool tricks. they don't care about the scores.
- the fruit that chenle eats most so far is orange, but his favorite fruit is mangosteen. he always eats all the mangosteens whenever he goes to southeast asia. and then he'd always try to win rock paper scissors so that he doesn't have to clean up the mangosteen after eating.
- chenle is okay with watermelons, he doesn't have any feelings towards them. kun then asked why his son (mark) likes watermelons so much. chenle said it's his fault for not teaching mark well, it's the only trait mark didn't get from him, and other than that they're very similar.
- chenle used to be scared of watching horror movies. he would always cover the screen using pillows and only peek a little. but he slowly learned to not be afraid of horror movies. so far, the first 'the conjuring' movie and the first 'annabelle' movie are the scariest for him.
- chenle said mosquitoes only go for stinky people. out of all dream members, jisung is the one who's targeted by mosquitoes the most. he has to spray bug spray everywhere. chenle would always comment on him, "if you keep spraying i'll also die! yeah the mosquitoes will die but i'll die too!!!"
- when chenle said jisung gets bitten by mosquitoes the most, chenle said he doesn't know because they're not that close. kun said jisung will be sad when he hears this, then chenle said, "as if he tunes in (to the radio) ???"
- chenle's song rec : hush - lasse lindh

may 31, 2021 - june 6, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210531
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- when chenle first came to korea, he was really looking forward to dyeing his hair because ever since he was little, he had always wanted to dye his hair. he would always ask the staff members when he can dye his hair. before debut, he finally bleached his hair and dyed his hair blonde and it felt like he achieved his dream of dyeing his hair.
- chenle doesn't dislike dyeing his hair because it's always interesting to see how it will turn out. pink is a color chenle wanted to do, so when he saw the result, he thought, "aiya, it's not bad~"
- chenle added that because his skin is so pale, the pink color matches well. he said all the members like their current hair colors now and everyone is happy.
- chenle was tired so he didn’t sleep on his way home because he thought he'd fall asleep once he reached his house. but after he entered the house, he was wide awake and couldn't sleep that night.
- every time chenle's mom says "your dad is upset with you", chenle always knows how to cheer him up and stop him from being angry.
- chenle said their manager never raises his voice, but he always has an intimidating aura whenever he's serious
- chenle said that although getting money in a job is important, being in a job isn't just about getting money. it's also about gaining skills, such as social skills because you'll be working with other people.
- chenle is the type of person who doesn't really plan ahead and just lives his life step by step although he does keep little small goals in mind to look forward to


may 31, 2021 - june 6, 2021 highlights

TUESDAY, 210601
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle said that walking compared to commuting is very healthy and is a more eco-friendly way to transport. and that your health will improve. for chenle, walking is good but it's a little hard / tiring to do. he still wants to do it because it can improve his strength and fitness but it's still bothersome, but he'll still try his best to do it.
- chenle didn't have that much attachment to children's day back then because he still had to go to school
- lao zhang mentioned that the average age of weeekly members is 18 and chenle said it's so young. he said when dream debuted, their average age was 16.5 years old.
- chenle misses the times when he had to end work at 10pm. back then, the members would always look forward to the time they can work past 10pm, but now that they can, sometimes it feels like it's better to end work at 10pm.
- chenle's song rec : you took advantage of me - the blackwells
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (greece)
- chenle said he just saw his forehead and it's really big that he can compare it with mark's forehead
- chenle said that life is long so you should do everything that you want. (if you have to do something you don't want to do,) don't be annoyed and just try doing it so that you won't have any regrets later on. chenle thinks it will all be good memories at the end.
- chenle is wearing a beanie today because his hair today is so messy
- chenle's hair is actually not a lot but it's very explosive, curly, and poofy so that's why it looks like he has a lot of hair. at first he thought so too, but when he ironed his hair flat or when he showered, he found out that he doesn't have a lot of hair, that illusion comes from the fact that his hair is poofy.
- chenle has gained weight recently. his weight was previously 58kg, but now it's 63kg. his face and stomach didn't gain fats but he's gained weight. it's muscles that he gained instead of fats.
- chenle believes that you don't gain weight from eating meat but instead from eating snacks
- pd jiejie showed a picture of a wedding on a cliff. chenle said having that kind of wedding isn't a bad idea. last time they talked about a wedding on ice, and this time a wedding by a cliff. chenle actually thinks this one would be more romantic because a wedding on ice would be too cold.
- chenle really likes vegetables. people around him have told him that he's the first person they've met who likes vegetables this much. chenle said guys that exercise more tend to like to eat meat more, but he likes vegetables more.
THURSDAY, 210603
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (miracle in cell no. 7)
- for chenle, the only good things about summer are going to waterparks and beaches and getting summer break. other than that, there aren't any good points about summer. he doesn't like summer and hopes fall and winter will come soon.
- there are 2 birthday gifts that chenle finds most memorable. the first one is from his 10th birthday. his mom threw chenle a very grand party. she invited all his friends, invited clowns that can make balloon animals, and organized games for the kids to play. the second one is the ps5 haechan gave him last year for his 19th birthday.
- chenle didn't cry watching 'miracle in cell no. 7'
- mark recommended chenle the movie 'miracle in cell no. 7' because it's the saddest movie he's ever watched and it's the movie that made him cry the hardest. when chenle watched it, he did find it touching and sad and very tear-jerking, but it's not the saddest movie he's ever watched.
- chenle has watched 'gifted'
- chenle's song rec : no place like home - the amazing spider-man 2 ost
FRIDAY, 210604
- daily program & topic : random radio
- chenle likes the song '海闊天空' from the group beyond
- chenle said everyone at their own age will experience their own problems/frustrations, even kids. and after we grow up, we'll look back at the problem and think that it was such a small matter but we were young anyway and we grow up slowly too.
- if he gets the chance, chenle personally wouldn't want to go back to any time period of his life because while the memories back then were great, now is an even better time. he said it's like game levels. back then it was level 6, but now it probably became level 21. "who would want to go back to level 6? is it necessary to go back after getting to a higher level?"
- chenle said that back in school, when the girls like someone, they'd make a lot of paper cranes and then give them to the person they like. jinyong said, "it looks like chenle received a lot~" and chenle just said "teehee"
- chenle's song rec : end of the road - boyz ii men
SATURDAY, 210605
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- in middle school, when chenle was playing around with his friends, he fell and hit his front teeth. he pretended as if nothing happened but then he realized he chipped a small part of his teeth. his parents still don't know but when he came to korea, the company noticed it so they got his tooth filled. his parents still don't know about it up to this day. a few months ago, when he was drinking coke, he felt something really hard in his mouth and spit it out. later on, he looked in the mirror and noticed half of the tooth filling was gone. he then realized it was the hard thing in his mouth. he hasn't visited the dentist yet so a small part is still missing up to this day.
- chenle asked chuyuan what kind of son he would want his son to be in the future. chuyuan said he's probably the same as chenle, he wants to be close to his son and for them to be like brothers. chenle agreed but said that he also needs to teach his son things that need to be taught. he believes chuyuan will be a great dad.
- chenle asked chuyuan when he'll let his son meet "uncle chenle". chuyuan said in a month. chenle said his promotions are over now so he has more free time. he said, "let me know when you have time and i'll run (to meet your son) right away!"
- a listener likes one man but she doesn't know if she should give up on her dreams to go to the same school as the man, or if she should just pursue her dreams. chenle told her that she shouldn't go to the school that the man is going to with her dreams on the line. because it's not the school that she likes, but it's the guy that she likes. what's going to happen when they break up? that's why she should think about herself first. chenle said it's better to focus on her dreams first and then date someone else later on / in her free time. "don't change yourself / your dreams for someone."
- chenle misses the past, even kindergarten. he still remembers a few things from kindergarten, but he doesn't want to go back to kindergarten / the past.
- a listener asked if le-d listens to bands. he said it's not that he doesn't listen to them, but he just doesn't have the chance to. he knows that queen is a great band.
- the time chenle wants to go back to the most is middle school, before his debut. it's not that he wants to go back, but he's just reminded of that time. he likes who he is now more because he was so absent-minded back then, because he was young.
- chenle said back then, he only did what he was told to do. at his job as an idol, he did what people told him to do and listened to people. but now he has his own thoughts and ideas. he knows he's doing this job because he wants to / because it's his dream. he thinks that's his biggest change from previous years.
- chenle said 'can you feel the love tonight' is a warm, grand song that makes your heart feel warm. here's chenle singing the song.
- chenle singing a whole new world.
- chenle's song rec : heartbreak anniversary - giveon
SUNDAY, 210606
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the thing that reminds you of summer)
- chenle's most recent vacation is to jeju island, and his second to most recent is shanghai. nowadays whenever he gets breaks, he doesn't go anywhere but home because that's the only time he gets the chance to see his family.
- chenle said he suddenly remembers good memories of summer but he'll start with the bad memories first. he's annoyed because it's always so hot and he sweats a lot and there are a lot of mosquitoes in the summer.
- for the good memories, chenle mentioned summer vacation. summer vacation is 2 months long and he's always so happy on the first day of summer vacation. he then corrected himself and said the first day of summer vacation is the day he finishes all his homework and assignments so that he can go play.
- when chenle was little, he liked summer vacations but if he got a lot of homework, it annoyed him. kun said there was always a lot of homework and chenle agreed. he said we have to live while studying, studying never ends.
- when chenle was young and hadn't hit puberty yet, he often got mistaken for a girl when answering the phone. the person talking would go, "is this ms. zhong?" chenle said this is because he was too pretty and cute when he was young.
- when it comes to fashion, chenle just wears whatever he wants. he doesn't really style it. once he finds something he's comfortable in, he would always wear it.
- chenle doesn't like watermelons that much
- kun uses the same blanket for all 4 seasons. chenle said his mom doesn't allow him to to that so he has to change it.
- in summer, chenle likes to turn on the air conditioner to the lowest setting and then cover himself with a blanket. he would then stick out one leg and when it starts to get cold, he switches to the other leg.
- chenle said if they turn on the air conditioner during practice, they'll lose energy so they turn it off. after practice they turn on the air conditioner, and when you go into that room, the smell in the air is the smell of passion.
- chenle loves talking a walk at the beach and watching the sun rises. he wears sunglasses when he watches the sun rises. he likes wearing sunglasses.
- chenle said listening to the sound of the sea while sitting on the sand at the beach while meditating is similar to sitting on a stone in the han river and listening to the sound of the river water. they're both very healing.
- chenle's song rec : 下雨天 (rainy days) - nan quan mama

june 7, 2021 - june 13, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210607
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said that nowadays, all kids have their own phones and those phones never leave their hands. this can be both good and bad.
- the reason why chenle always wears the same clothes is because whenever he wears new clothes, the day won't go smoothly at all. but whenever he wears stuff he always wears, the day will go smoothly. so for example, if the past 2 days of chenle's life have been too good and he can just forgoes the next day, he'll wear something new.
- a listener asked chenle how to lessen their screen time on their phone. chenle said he doesn't know either because he's also always on his phone and he doesn't know how to lessen his time using it. chenle said he's not just always on his phone, but he's pretty much combined with his phone.
- chenle is pretty much glued to his phone. he's a fast replier. chenle doesn't understand why people don't reply to messages quickly because for him, whenever he gets a notification, he's always curious about what the content of the message is, so he always immediately checks it out. once he opens the message, he'll feel bad about leaving the person hanging so he always immediately replies. the only time he doesn't reply fast is when he's busy or sleeping. chenle's friends don't know anyone who replies to texts faster than chenle.
- when chenle was younger, he was timid. he can perform on stage easily now but back then, on stage he wasn't brave enough to sing or perform. but after building his confidence and experience, he started being able to do it. chenle said the breakthrough process is important because it's not about how well you did, but the fact that you were brave enough to speak or sing in front of an audience is already an achievement. chenle told op that the next time they have to do public speaking, it will be better because they've already overcame it once. chenle admits that sometimes he's still a little nervous when standing on stage, but it's only a little, and feelings are hard to control after all.
- chenle said self confidence isn't something that you get instantly. it comes from a lot of built up and experience.
- a listener wants tobe a foreign affairs police but their parents don't allow them to. chenle said the best thing to do is to prove to their parents that they can do it, through actions.
- a listener's parents don't allow them to date. chenle personally thinks parents shouldn't be strict about their kids' relationships. having friends is fine and so is dating.
- chenle's song rec : leave the door open - bruno mars, anderson .paak, silk sonic
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle was saying his ment and then he saw lanlan, zhuama and guozhen in the booth outside so he greeted them.
- a listener said they study in a study place / room for 10 hours from when it opens to when it closes. chenle said in the span of 10 hours, he'll probably study for only 2 hours and play for 8 hours.
- yesterday, chenle decided to do one thing. he decided he wants to try sleeping before 1.30am. he succeeded and slept exactly at that hour yesterday. he's planning to continue doing that for a whole week but he thinks the chances of him failing is really high.
- this is lai lai's first viewable radio. lai lai said ever since he commented on the livestream once, he's been asked to do a viewable radio for over two months now.
- chenle believes lai lai will do better than zhuama did on her first viewable radio. he then asked, "when are you going to take over zhuama's place on thursdays?" and lai lai said, "soon". chenle said all these because zhuama is outside the booth waiting to prerecord this thursday's radio so he just wanted to tease her. he said the more zhuama glares at him, the more he wants to tease her.
- chenle did the intro really fast and he noticed that his pronounciation wasn't clear because he was rapping his way through the intro. chenle then asked if he's always this unclear when he talks fast. zhuama was the only one who nodded from outside the booth. chenle said, "don't mind her," and then lai lai said "if one day zhuama doesn't show up to work, just know that it's because of chenle"
- lai lai is introducing 'save' by nct 127 and he mentioned "mark, that chenle likes a lot,". chenle jokingly said, "no i don't like him"
- chenle said recently at the online fansigns, a lot of fans name their pets "chenle" or "lele". he said "it's all me... i'm everyone's pet.." and he doesn't know if he should be happy or angry about it.
- lai lai introduced ghost9 whose members are younger than nct dream and chenle said, "whoa..! didi!! (younger brothers)" and then he said it reminds him of his younger self.
- chenle said sleeping early and waking up early will make you feel good, and sleeping late and waking up late will make your mood bad, and that if you sleep too long, you'll get sleepy too. but then he said he slept early yesterday and got up early today but he's still sleepy all day so just do whatever makes you comfortable.
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (gyeongju)
- chenle told a story about how he scratched his arm back in summer camp when he was younger. his group won a game and they got a trophy. the trophy suddenly broke and when chenle tried to grab onto it, it scratched his arm and slipped from his hand. there was a lot of blood and little chenle found it scary. he even asked the teacher, "i won't die, right?"
- lanlan teased chenle saying that he's getting older, so he said, "okay, so we're here with auntie lanlan, auntie caoli, auntie pd jae-eun (pd jiejie)" and lanlan said, "oh, pd jiejie's name has been revealed..." and then chenle continued, "and now where is uncle manager?"
- chenle has never gone camping before
- chenle's song rec #1 : shine your star - o3ohn
- chenle's song rec #2 : beyond danger - thomas newman
THURSDAY, 210610
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the mummy)
- chenle likes the humid smell in an underground parking lot. he also likes the smell of spa and fresh air from the han river.
- zhuama introduced herself as lai lai. "hello i'm lai lai since zhuama got fired"
- chenle once considered being an archeologist because he likes digging up things
- chenle told the story about how he usually deals with a cockroach in his room. he would wrap his slipper with a lot of tissues and then hit the cockroach with the slipper. and then he'll take the tissues and flush them down the toilet. he then sprays the floor with a lot of disinfectant.
- chenle isn't scared of cockroaches, he just finds them dirty and disgusting.
- zhuama was introducing the actors and actresses in the movie when chenle said, "i thought you wanted to introduce the actor (brendan fraser) because he's very handsome.." zhuama instead said she likes the actress (rachel weisz) more because she's more zhuama's type and she has a cool kind of beauty.
- chenle talked about how he watched the movie "the thaw" and it made him so paranoid that he had to check his blankets at night to make sure there are no bugs / insects
- zhuama jokingly called chenle "peng peng" (peng-d) and chenle said, "if this was viewable radio, everyone can see my expression", to which zhuama replied, "a happy and kind expression"
- next week's movie is "bohemian rhapsody" and zhuama said chenle's homework is to watch it before next week comes. he said he can't because he's too busy practicing for hello future.
- chenle's song rec #2 : be there for you - nct dream
FRIDAY, 210611
- daily program & topic : random radio
- when chenle is curious about something, he'll really dig into it unconditionally.
- chenle said that on today's fansign, he found several fans that are good at singing. he met someone who sang really well.
- chenle finds a lot of food soundtracks / background music from dramas and films. he mentioned especially "green book" original scores that he listens to a lot when traveling.
- chenle told us to wait for it on instagram story. he then said "tbs insta, not chenle insta. there is no chenle insta."
- today is tbs' birthday. they gave a question asking how old is tbs and they'll be giving out free tbs limited edition mugs for people who answer their question correctly. chenle said he wants to get a mug too. and then chenle commented saying "if you guys know tbs is older than me, then why did some people guess 13 years old, 12 years old, etc? oh i know... it's because i'm still young"
- a listener said their brother loves ultraman so much that they can draw ultraman's genealogy. the guest dj asked if chenle can also draw the genealogy and chenle said he can't. "i don't know what genealogy is... is it like a phylogenetic tree?"
- chenle said that not all boys like ultraman. people like different things. chenle just happens to be similar to the listener's brother because they both like ultraman.
- chenle jokingly said that from now on he won't style his hair and will just wash it and let it dry by itself. he will go on stage with his natural hair. he said he'll be looking forward to seeing his hair look 2x more puffier than it already is now.
- chenle said there's something good about having thick / puffy. it makes your face look small because of how puffy your hair is.
- every night before he sleeps chenle always showers, and when he wakes up in the morning and looks at the mirror, he always finds that his face looks smaller because of how big the hair looks. once his hair is styled, his face becomes bigger. but after he gets off stage and is sweating, his hair goes back to the way it was before and his face looks smaller again.
- the guest dj wondered if the fans that sang well sounded different from when they were talking. chenle asked if that applies to him too. the guest dj agreed and chenle said his singing voice is different from his talking voice. the guest dj said she really likes chenle's singing voice, and then he asked, "but do you like my talking voice though?" and she said she does too.
- chenle mentioned the song "time" from inception and said that if you listen to it while driving, it makes you feel like you're going to the final and it makes you feel cool
- someone asked how would it be to live in space. chenle said if he goes there with his family, friends and people he cares about, it will be better because he just needs to live there without thinking about going back. he will miss home, but if the people he cares about are already with him there too, it won't be a problem.
SATURDAY, 210612
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle said chuyuan has probably been taking care of his newborn baby all day so he must be tired now but he's happy
- a listener said that even when chenle is already old and grey, they'll still think chenle is cute. chenle said that's how he feels towards mark. chuyuan asked if that was a confession and chenle said it's him expressing his love towards his son.
- chenle said his son is 2 years older than him. he said, "i've raised him since i was two- EH! i've raised him since he was two years old
- chenle asked if chuyuan has a cute side and he said he has but it depends on the situation and to who he's being cute for. chenle said all guys should have a cute side. chenle asked chuyuan to do aegyo and he actually did, he said he does aegyo to his wife in order to get what he wants. chenle said what we just witnessed is "little princess chuyuan" doing aegyo.
- a listener made a "kyuu~" sound in their voice message and chuyuan asked what it meant to chenle, but chenle said he doesn't know either.
- chenle really likes the song 'perfect' by ed sheeran
- a listener called chenle "grandfather" on purpose but chenle insisted that the listener made a mistake. "why am i a grandfather? it should be 짱한 아버지 (amazing father) not 짱 할아버지 (amazing grandfather)... it should be 한 (han) not 할 (hal).. your korean seems lacking..."
- chenle recommended a listener to reach out to their old friend first because if they think it's better to wait for the other person to reach out first, the other person might be thinking the same thing too so it's better to be the one who makes the first move. chenle said it's because it'll be a pity to lose good friendships that we used to have back then. chenle said sometimes he would contact his friends from when he was young just to ask them simple questions and see how they've been doing.
- chenle has heard about the movie "moana" before but he hasn't watched it
- chenle said that sometimes you find a song that's really good but you don't know the title. and then years later, you found its title and listening to the song again will make you feel a different feeling, and you'll feel as if you've rediscovered that song again.
- chenle's song rec : rocket - nct dreamSUNDAY, 210613
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the oldest thing i have in my possession)
- chenle has already listened to kun and xiaojun's "back to you" and he thinks it's really nice
- today's topic is things you've kept for a long time. chenle said he used to have a good luck charm from japan but he lost it last year. he's also had his ultraman collection for quite a long time.
- chenle has a pig doll he got from his friend back in 2014/2015 and he finds it really cute
- kun and chenle were talking about their manager who is really strict and their manager doesn't speak chinese so kun was like, "he won't understand us anyways.." and chenle said, "right, he's not listening to us (to the broadcast)"
- chenle said teasing kun for 2 minutes every day makes him happy for 5 hours
- chenle said during nct 2020 he got closer to the 127 hyungs and kun got jealous because of it
- the only posters chenle's family's have in their house is posters of chenle
- chenle told a funny story from when he was young. when he was young, he always goes out with either his mom or both his parents. one time, he went out with only his dad for the first time ever, and his dad lost him. chenle's mom was speechless when she heard the story. he was in kindergarten when it happened but he still remembers it. they were walking while holding hands and suddenly they let go of each other's hands. chenle continued walking but when he looked back, he realized his dad wasn't around anymore. he didn't cry or do anything, he just stood there for until his dad came back. he waited there for about 10 minutes until his dad found him again. chenle's dad asked chenle why chenle didn't follow him, and chenle asked him where he went, and his dad said he went to see the king crab. after that, chenle and his dad never goes out just by themselves. something always happens whenever they do something just by themselves. chenle then mentioned the bicycle story again (he has told this story several times on 201104, 201210, 201220, 210102, 210502.
- chenle's song rec : man on a mission - oh the larceny

june 14, 2021 - june 20, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210614
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- the question for the opening is "has everyone heard of the term '어른아이'?" and chenle said, "isn't it me?". the term means 'to be an adult with a childish heart that hasn’t vanished'
- a listener said they're already an adult but they're still a baby in their parents' eyes. chenle said it's because we are their kids after all. he then said "i'm still a baby~"
- chenle ordered vanilla latte when he was recoridng radio. it finally arrived and when he was about to put the straw in, his hand slipped and he didn't even get a chance to drink a single sip because it fell and every single drop spilled on the floor. he then ordered another one.
- chenle slept before 1:30am for 5 days last week. he only didn't do that for two days but overall he slept early and woke up early so his condition is really great.
- the story behind chenle and jisung talking to each other informally is back then once they got closer, chenle felt that it would be good if they talk informally. so chenle asked jisung, "can you talk to me informally?" and they both agreed to do so.
- chenle feels comfortable talking informally to all dream members, and taeil and jungwoo. he also said that among dreamies, there's no "hyung", they all just speak casually to each other.
- guozhen wants to hear songs on mondays but the songs always get cut off because they talk too much. chenle said it's because he talks too much and he suggested maybe a letter should be removed next week. guozhen said the today's tmi segment usually finishes at 9:06pm but today it finished at 9:19pm.
- chenle's song rec : congratulations - post malone
TUESDAY, 210615
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle said he loves mango bingsu and all tiramisu-related food
- chenle has some alcohol allergies. he can't drink beer because whenever he drinks beer, his whole body becomes numb.
- chenle thinks alcohol-free cocktails (mocktails) are delicious. when he was a kid, when they go to a restaurant that sells alcohol, he would order mocktails and they were delicious even without alcohol.
- chenle isn't the type to review before an exam because he already studies well on a daily basis. he said if we don't study hard daily and only try to cram everything d-1 before an exam, we won't do well on the exam.
- lai lai told chenle to guess how many albums twice has had. chenle guessed 11 but apparently it's their 10th mini album, but their 35th album overall. chenle said that's so many and it means they work hard.
- they were talking about 'don't fight the feeling' and chenle said, "seeing them together (exo) makes me feel..."
- chenle asked how old lightsum members are
- they were talking about lightsum's 'vanilla' and chenle said he likes vanilla latte
- chenle's song rec : come and get your love - redbone
- daily program & topic : random radio (special with kun and xiaojun)
- chenle said kun and xiaojun are the first subunit in wayv, and wayv is already a subunit in nct so they're the subunit of a subunit.
- when chenle first heard 'back to you' before it was released, he thought it was really good but when he listened to it again when it got released, it was even better
- chenle said renjun came to the filming set for 'back to you' and it turns out yangyang and ten also came
- kun said there will be a tiktok challenge for 'hello future' and chenle said he'll do it
- chenle's logic for spoilers is that if you spoil something by acting calm and casually mentioning it and no one gives a reaction or no one acts surprised, no one will think it's a spoiler. but if someone reacts or show a panicked or surprised face, fans will notice and know that you said something you're not supposed to say.
- chenle introduced their other song 'sleepless' and kun said, "that's right... slapless" and chenle thought he made a mistake and asked if the title is 'slapless'. xiaojun laughed and said chenle said it correctly and kun went, "what did i say?" and chenle replied, "SLAPless"
- chenle hasn't watched the music video. when he was on his way to radio he was too tired so he was just lying in the car when the manager played the song. chenle searched for the youtube link on weibo and posted it without watching it. he said he'll definitely watch it but he was just lazy.
- xiaojun said he really wants to collab with chenle because every since nct 2020, he realized that chenle's singing skills is really good. he also keeps listening to chenle's parts in chenle and kun's cover of 'free love' because he finds it really angelic.
- whenever chenle and renjun are talking in chinese, they sometimes speak on top of their voices so their members often think they're fighting and would go "don't fight! don't fight!". there are times when they'd do that on purpose just to see other people's reactions to it.
- kun introduced the song but mispronounced "breath" as "breathe" and chenle and xiaojun corrected him and had a good laugh
- kun said he's looking forward to 'hello future' and said the song is not bad. chenle played it for him. chenle played the high note for him.
- xiaojun was reading a letter from a fan and skipped the "dad" part of the letter. chenle told him to just follow the script / the letter and he got confused because he didn't know about chenle's whole "dad" thing. chenle then explained to him that his bubble nickname is 'dad' so whenever he sends a message it would say "dad sent a message"
- xiaojun has been a fan of justin bieber for 10 years, kun has been a fan for jay chou for 20 years, and chenle has been a fan of stephen curry for 5 years.
- chenle's song rec : free love - honne
THURSDAY, 210617
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (bohemian rhapsody)
- a listener has a habit of watching videos or movies while eating something and sometimes their food has already gone cold when they find something to watch. chenle said he's the exact same. he’ll watch animations, movies, favorite tv shows, basketball competitions, even table tennis matches, and sometimes even the variety videos that they do.
- chenle doesn't know if he likes any bands or not because he doesn't know himself that well. he remembers there are a few bands he likes but he forgot them already.
- chenle said queen's concerts are no joke and a lot of people watch them and the atmosphere is huge
- a lot of people has recommended this movie to chenle but he's too lazy to watch it
- chenle watched a thai horror movie called 'shutter'. he said he used to be scared of watching horror movies but then suddenly he just stopped being scared and started watching horror movies like 'the conjuring' and 'annabelle' so he asked his manager to recommend him scarier movies, and his manager recommended 'shutter' to him. he said it wasn't that scary either.
- the most touching part about the dream show for chenle is when they were backstage before the concert started, the whole venue sang 'dear dream' because that song was playing. he could hear it even though he was wearing an earpiece because it was that loud. he said he doesn't cry easily but that moment really made him emotional.
- chenle said queen's 'love of my life' is really nice and he sang a line from it
- chenle's song rec : 내나 너의 곁에 잠시 살았다는걸 - 토이 (toy)
FRIDAY, 210618
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (dalian)
- a listener asked for a way to maintain their voice. chenle said to drink lots of water and get lots of sleep. he also said not to to scream using your throat and do vocalizations using your diaphragm. he said not to sing using your throat because your throat can't bear it.
- chenle said he likes looking at animals, like going to an aquarium. he said there's an aquarium in seoul and he wants to go there.
- they were talking about the golden pebble beach and chenle said even from the name, it already sounds like it's beautiful.
- chenle doesn't know how to play golf but his dad likes playing golf
- they were talking about 滨海路 (binhai road) and chenle said it would be fun to drive around there in a car with a sunroof
- when chenle wants to go somewhere and the distance is less than 20 minutes from his house, he prefers to walk to the place. even if the manager offers a ride, he'd rather walk. it makes him sweat a lot but it feels good.
- lanlan said she and her husband used to be in a long distance relationship and chenle said their relationship is one of the successful stories of long distance relationships
- chenle sings a little bit of elvis presley's 'can't help falling in love'
- when chenle was young, he was always afraid whenever he saw a police. he didn't do anything wrong but he was just scared that they might arrest him.
- chenle's song rec : top of the world - carpenters
SATURDAY, 210619
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle said his mom collects fridge magnets so whenever she goes somewhere for vacation, she'll buy fridge magnets from that country
- chenle said that when you were younger, moving houses didn't make you feel anything because you're just changing places. but as you grow older, it becomes harder because you have a sense of attachment to the house due to all the memories you've made. there is an excitement and anticipation about moving to a new place, but there will also be fear, not because the new house is scary but just the fear of moving to a new environment.
- chenle has moved houses twice in his life. the first time was when he was going to elementary school after finishing kindergarten, his family moved to a house that's near his school. chenle was happy to move because he didn't have to do anything and was just going to a new place to play. his second time moving was when he finished elementary school and was going to middle school. however, he said that when he moved from shanghai to seoul, there was a sense of unwillingness because he was moving to a new country that he had never been to before, so he felt kind of scared.
- chenle said he'd rather be cold than sweat
- chenle can't sleep for more than 6 hours
- in the past week chenle has been sleeping earlier (at 1.30am) and it's earlier than the time he used to sleep at before. he decided to stop sleeping late because it's not healthy for the body.
- chenle said he can't drink red wine anymore. he said he can't drink it now and it's also because he hasn't been drinking red wine. chuyuan said "a man can't say he can't do something!" and chenle replied okay okay I CAN I CAN!" and chuyuan said he'll help chenle be able to drink red wine again.
- a listener said they sleep with the tv on because just like chenle, they're scared about having scary thoughts. chenle said he sleeps with sound on / something playing not because he's afraid but because he's bored. he has to sleep while listening to something so he always turns on "friends" and fall asleep with "friends" playing in the room.
- a listener asked chenle which would he rather do : go camping and see the stars and listen to the sound of water but there's bugs around, or stay home. chenle immediately said he'd rather stay home.
- chenle's song rec : enough - hoppipolla
SUNDAY, 210620
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul
- the script was "is there anything you want to do before you turn 30?" and chenle commented "oh wait, that's already too late (for kun)" and kun went "??? i'm only 25!"
- chenle's answer to the question about what he wants to achieve before he turns 30 is he doesn't have a particular dream to achieve. he's doing things one step at a time.
- kun said what he's doing right now is just a hobby. chenle then said everything we're doing right now is to lay a foundation for the future.
- chenle said it's been so long since he's done sunday corner so he didn't know how to start it, and kun said how is it long, they do it every week.
- kun asked chenle what comic books he read when he was young. chenle said he never read any. he said kids his age don't read comic books when they were young. he didn't read comic books because there was already anime / cartoons, so why should he read comics. it's bothersome meanwhile the screen is good and there's sound.
- chenle's favorite cartoon character is dragon ball
- when chenle was little, he used to to enjoy assembling toys. he once assembed a big sports car toy and it took him 2 years to finish because he kept taking breaks after breaks. he said he ideal time it took to assemble it was probably a week.
- chenle is the type of person who finds it hard to throw away things he no longer uses. his mom always says, "if you don't use it anymore, give it away!" but it's hard for him because to him, every item is memorable.
- chenle thinks cooking isn't bothersome but washing dishes is
- chenle's song rec : tennessee - hans zimmer

june 21, 2021 - june 27, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210621
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle prefers night time over day time because he feels that it's more comfortable at night and that it's too hot during the day and he can't stand the heat
- chenle would like it better if it's just night time / dark all day long so he can see the stars
- a fan said "black out" reminds them of the song 'next level' because the song has the lyrics "백야" (baekya) and they think it sounds similar. chenle thinks it doesn't sound the same.
- chenle said if his chinese friend doesn't understand a korean joke, he'll explain it to them so they'd understand the joke point and so that next time he pulls the same joke, they'll get the joke and it won't be awkward. but then chenle said honestly sometimes there are people who still don't get it even after you've explained it to them clearly.
- a listener is a visual designer who has to lead / keep up with the recent trends but is afraid they can't catch up with the trends. chenle said if they wan't to lead the trend, they can't follow the trend. if they're a visual designer, they can't just follow trends but they have to also make a unique trend and have their own color. chenle continued saying that if everyone follows it, then it becomes generic, but if they're too unique, people might not be ready to accept it / think it's weird, so they have to have a balance of following the trends and being unique.
- chenle said time passes by faster when they're talking. guozhen said we (listeners) can let them know if we want to hear more songs or hear more of them talking. if we want to hear them talk more, they'll play more songs but if we want o hear more songs, they'll talk more.
- a listener said their name is pretty common and there are a lot of people around them who have the same name as them. they said they want to change their name but it's troublesome and requires a lot of paperwork to change their name legally. chenle suggested that op get a nickname, the same way haechan nicknamed himself that when his real name is lee donghyuck.
- back then, chenle didn't really like his name when his name was still pronounced "chenyue". (for context: the 乐 in 辰乐 (chenle) can be pronounced as "yue" or "le", and back then chenle's parents initially named him chenyue. read the full story of chenle's name here.) but then in kindergarten people started calling him chenle and he started liking it more. and now the more he thinks about it, the more he likes it because there's no one else named zhong chenle, so it's special and a lot of people around him also said that it's a nice name.
- a listener just got over a fight with their friend a few months ago and now they sent a friend request on sns and they don't know if they want to continue / accept it or not. chenle said now that they're on good terms, it shouldn't be a concern anymore. he said just be like him who always goes even crazy on weibo. he said people who don't know him at all will probably think, "is this person okay?"
- a listener looks younger than their age and they're afraid people might think they're inexperienced at their job. chenle said they can just laugh this issue off because people who look older than their age actually envy the listener. chenle told op to look at it from a different angle. they think people would think they're a child, but when you're 40 years old and someone goes "are you 25?", your heart would be so happy.
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle asked if we knew how many viewable radios he's done so far. chenle guessed about 7 or 8 times.
- chenle finished drinking his iced vanilla latte earlier so now he's drinking iced americano
- chenle said he isn't on a diet. it's just that he gained 6.5kg during hot sauce promotions so he just wants to lose weight again after a long time. that's why he has lost 4.5kg in 4 days.
- chenle said he really likes avocado
- chenle wonders what bugs taste like. he's curious about it even though he knows they're dirty.
- chenle said he's never encountered bugs in his food but he's only ever had hair in his food. because it was dirty, he threw it away.
- chenle said seventeen's dancing is always so synchronized. every time he sees them dance, he's amazed because it's hard to synchronize that many people.
- chenle really likes seventeen's hoshi's solo single "spider". he finds it really really cool and nice.
- chenle thinks seventeen's comebacks are really awesome
- chenle remembers the last time brave girls had a comeback, chenle's group also had a comeback and they bumped into them.
- chenle said he really wants to go to busan. he's been there for events and fansigns before but not to go play / for vacation. chenle said if he goes to busan next time for a performance, he'll sneak out and take a night stroll.
- chenle read a fan's message in full english and replied in full english too!
- chenle thinks basa fish is really delicious and he really likes it. he just ate it earlier today.
- turns out the right answer for the number of viewable radios chenle has had is 38 and chenle is surprised because he thought there's been more
- chenle's song rec : it only takes a moment - michael crawford
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (daebu island)
- chenle imitated lanlan's intro and kept asking if his voice is similar to lanlan and lanlan said she's more gentle
- chenle said during filming buquest, all their bodies were covered in mud so they just crawled to move around
- chenle said that during hot sauce promotions he gained 6kg and because he had to film something today, he had tried to lose weight since 3 days ago. he weighted 64.8kg and now he weights 61.2kg so he lost about 3.6kg in 3 days.
- chenle doesn't like going to a botanical garden because when he was young, his family used to go on picnics a lot to places like botanical gardens. he didn't like it because his mom would be like, "lele, come here, let’s take a picture, why won't you take a picture? it’s pretty tho~ let’s take a picture quick!" chenle said he can understand why his mom wanted him to take a lot of pictures but he was lazy.
- lanlan mentioned an island that is 30 minutes from daebu island and chenle went "i don't wanna go anymore... it takes an hour to go to daebu and now i have to spend another 30 minutes?!!!"
- chenle said he really likes sashimi. he asked which sashimi is the best, the one at daebu island, busan, jeju island or gangwon island.
- chenle's song rec : puzzle piece - nct dream
THURSDAY, 210624
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (scent of a woman)
- chenle said he's sensitive to smells and he knows all the dreamies' scents. he said it's not about their perfume but they just have their own scent. and he said how someone smells is important to him.
- out of dream, mark's scent is his favorite and his least favorite is jisung's but he's still close with jisung.
- zhuama asked if chenle smells people before being friends with them. chenle said no because it's weird to do that.
- what caught chenle's attention in this movie is the ending part where the main character stood up for the boy. chenle found it touching because nobody else stood up for the boy, so when the main character did, it was meaningful.
- chenle learned a lot of things from his dad and his dad also tells him a lot of things. he listens to his dad really well and every time there's something they disagree with or something he doesn't understand, he'll ask his dad and his dad is always able to explain to him clearly. his dad can sometimes convince chenle too.
- chenle said zhuama's mood seems to be good today and zhuama said it's because she drank coffee. chenle said it's like she drank alcohol.
- chenle jokingly said if they make mistakes on the choreo while performing on stage, they get nagged
- chenle likes it when characters say bad words, curse or swear in movies
- chenle's song rec : watermelon sugar - harry styles
FRIDAY, 210625
- daily program & topic : random radio
- chenle originally didn't like coffee, but at some point he started liking it but he couldn't remember when
- for chenle, the best thing to do during summer is going stargazing at night
- chenle said he really likes to go to waterparks
- chenle's favorite fruits are mangosteen, strawberries, citrus sinensis, mandarin oranges, grapes, kiwi, mango, peaches, coconut water. these fruits are kind of sour but chenle likes them when they're sweet.
- chenle's song rec : heartache - one ok rock
SATURDAY, 210626
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle really like yesung's voice especially when he's singing slow songs / ballads. he said he's able to convey the emotions in the song.
- when chenle has to go somewhere for fun, he'll always set 7 alarms to wake up, but he can wake up from hearing the first one only. he can even naturally wake up an hour earlier or can't sleep the night before because he's too excited. but for work, he can't wake up from his alarms and his manager has to wake him up by calling him.
- chenle said that "life is still long, so don't be unsure or insecure. let's just follow the flow of time. we’ll meet chances / opportunities and a new path."
- chenle doesn't have any songs that remind him of summer because he doesn't like summer. however, there are a lot of songs that remind him of winter because during winter you can listen to sad songs, romantic songs, or warm songs.
- sometimes chenle feels frustrated when he can't find the song in a commercial. he's thankful that there are now apps that can detect the title of songs.
- he said it's the same feeling as finding a background music in dramas but not having a full version of it. he wants to play it on piano so he'll look for the chords, but there are no results for it. chuyuan told chenle that since chenle is already really good at music, he can just try to find the chords himself. chenle said he could but it's really troublesome.
- chenle listens to romantic songs and songs that make his heart feel warm when he needs to ease his mind. when he's in a bad mood, he listens to sad songs / ballads to make himself even sadder. his logic is that when you feel at your worst, once you feel just a little bit better, you'll really notice a difference and think, "wow, i feel better now~"
- chenle likes "shoot to thrill" and "back in black" by ac/dc. he also said any ac/dc song can make you feel hyped.
- chenle's song rec : opr - gesaffelstein
SUNDAY, 210627
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most important thing when making friends)
- chenle asks kun which one he prefers, friendship or love. kun said friendship, but for chenle it's love.
- kun said 60-70% of his life is friendship, and the rest is business. chenle then said, "so friendship is more important than business?" and kun said yes. so chenle said, "ok then give your business / career up for me."
- chenle said that and when you make friends, you have to be sincere. but that doesn't mean you have to tell all your secrets to all your friends.
- chenle said he's honestly 100% with kun, and they said they know each other's secrets.
- chenle asked if kun has any friends whose personality is very different from kun. kun said he has and that friend is chenle. chenle agreed and said that their personalities are very different. and kun said for people outside of nct, it's seventeen's jun. chenle feels that he's more similar to seventeen's the8 (minghao). kun said minghao is a lot calmer and more mature than chenle. chenle said he's the crazy version of minghao, or even a mix of minghao and jun.
- kun said that jun said that when chenle is calm, he is handsome
- for chenle, the friend whose personality is very different from his is jisung. their views in life and their perspectives about the world are very different but they get along really well.
- kun said chenle and jisung are very different. kun said chenle doesn't seem to be afraid of anything meanwhile jisung is afraid of a lot of things. but chenle disagreed and said that everyone has their own fears, so kun asked chenle what his fear is. chenle said he's afraid of the dark / darkness. kun was shocked because he didn't know chenle was that scared of the dark. chenle said if he turns off all the lights in the studio and leaves him alone, he'd be scared to death.
- chenle suddenly remembered he once hiked with his friend during the night, and then he suddenly thought, "what if someone appears from the dark, out of nowhere?" and after thinking that, he immediately ran back home.
- a listener got betrayed by their friend. chenle said that even though they might feel hurt now, it's not going to hurt them in the long run because they didn't do anything wrong, so they won't have any regrets. the people who betrayed them will be the one with regrets. chenle also reminded op that by now they must learn that not everyone is worthy of kindness. it's not that we shouldn't be nice to people, but just that we shouldn't be too nice.
- chenle really likes talking to his friends. chenle really enjoys moments when he talks to his friends as they drink tea or wine together and the conversation just flows naturally and they talk about whatever they want. he doesn't really like it when someone goes, "hey, let's meet up and talk," and he prefers when it's unplanned and spontaneous.
- chenle said there are a lot of things he can and wants to talk about so he has no problem talking with anyone. he can get along and converse with anyone. he said it would be interesting to meet someone who he can't talk about anything with.
- chenle said that adapting to things and understanding things is really important not just in friendships, but in other places like the workplace. you have to be able to adjust yourself. chenle added that in a group with 7 members, of course everyone will have different personalities, so everyone has to be understanding of each other. it's one of the ways a group can stay together for a long time.
- what kun learned from chenle is that chenle is really open-minded and rational. meanwhile what chenle learned from kun is that he's very cautious and pays a lot of attention to details.
- chenle's song rec : someone you loved - lewis capaldi

june 28, 2021 - july 4, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle read an english message from the live chat section
- chenle lipsynced his 'hello future' adlib when the song was playing
- chenle ate budae jjigae (army stew) with jisung today while watching the hello future music video. he told us to guess why he was eating with jisung.
- while a song was playing, chenle explained to guozhen the reason why his arm got hurt.
- chenle said the part in the hello future music video where he and renjun high-fived only took one or two takes. he said it's because they've been working in the industry together so their chemistry is there.
- a listener is scared to meet their relatives because they failed their exam. chenle said they should accept what has happened and it's not like they can avoid people forever. he suggested the listener to meet people so they gain more courage. he added that everyone has failed (so it's understandable to fail), so just work hard next time to succeed.
- a listener's friend borrowed listener's money but their friend won't pay them back / always postpones the payment. chenle said this is the reason why he doesn't like lending people money. the reason why he doesn't lend money to people isn't because he doesn't want to help others, but because he wants to avoid situations like this (where people won't pay him back). but if it's an emergency, he will definitely lend people some money. chenle added that if the listener let their friend borrow their money, then they have a right to ask for the money back.
- people always tells chenle to stop dancing when he gets hurt, but for him, if he really likes what he's doing, then it won't hurt to do it. he won't feel the pain so it's okay. but he also said that when you're hurt, you have to take care of yourself until you recover.
- chenle said he has now fixed his sleep schedule / body clock. he was playing the game 'wangzherongyao' with his cousin and winwin yesterday. they rarely play together so they played until late at night yesterday, until past 2am. but then chenle fell asleep in the middle of playing, and he had to be waken up by their voices.
- chenle said he now falls asleep really easily. he can fall asleep while looking at his phone. ever since he grew the habit of sleeping before 2am, his body started to become super tired and sleepy at that hour.
- when chenle gets nervous, he simply thinks "even if i make a mistake, people will accept them", "even if i make a mistake, because it's cute, it's okay", and "even if i make a mistake, i won't die anyway so it's okay"
- chenle said the reason why he imitates jisung's voice in 'candle light' isn't because he wants to tease jisung, but because he likes jisung's voice and he's imitating his voice properly / similarly.
- chenle really likes his first verse in 'hello future', and he feels that it suits him well both during recording and practices. he sang an acapella version of this part live.
- chenle's song rec : life is still going on - nct dream
TUESDAY, 210629
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle doesn't save numbers, so sometimes his manager calls him and his answer would be "hello? who's this?"
- at one point, haechan called chenle and he answered with "hello? who's this?" because he didn't have haechan's number saved.
- lai lai said his most memorable summer memory is meeting chenle for the first time, and chenle felt touched, he didn't expect lai lai to say that.
- chenle said that hello future preparations happened during hot sauce promotions. they filmed the music video, practiced the choreography, recorded the songs, all while promoting hot sauce so their schedule was really tight. but after the mv was filmed and hot sauce promotions had ended, they got a whole week to rest. chenle believes that if they were to film the mv after hot sauce promos ended, it would've been even more tiring. he said that although it was tiring, the outcome is really good.
- chenle said that when filming 'life is still going on', some members had to fully get in the water while some didn't, and they settled it by doing rock paper scissors. chenle said winning that rock paper scissors game was the happiest win he's ever had this year.
- chenle said only mark, renjun, and jeno fully went into the water. because it was really cold, after filming, jaemin, chenle and haechan quickly left to change clothes, and haechan was even already in the car. meanwhile jisung was just watching there near the pool, so mark threw him into the water.
- chenle asked what the loonaverse is
- chenle said that usually he gets sick of title tracks easily because they practice the song every day so it gets boring really easily, but he said that for hello future, that's not the case and he still likes the song and it's one of his favorites from the new album.
- chenle's favorite songs from the album are 'rainbow', 'anl', 'my youth', and 'countdown (3, 2, 1)', and now 'hello future' is added to the list.
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (lijiang, china)
- chenle currently doesn't have big goals, his biggest goal for now is to finish hello future promotions well and have a fun and healthy life
- chenle said half a year doesn't feel like anything and he can't believe that tomorrow is already july
- chenle said smart people hangs out with smart people and the reason why he and lanlan clicks is because they both have high IQs
- chenle dropped his ring but he said it was his phone
- chenle said a lot of people wants to go to the jade dragon snow mountain, and he knows this from watching a variety show. lanlan asked if he wants to go there, and chenle said "no, i would die from the height"
- they're talking about the 蓝月谷 (blue moon valley) and chenle said he likes the color blue. he likes sky blue and sea blue, he likes anything blue. lanlan asked if chenle likes tbs' blue color and he said he doesn't like that kind of blue but he likes the 'tbs' font.
- they were talking about a performance in lijiang and lanlan suggested wearing sunscreen and a hat when watching the show so that you don't get a sunburn. chenle said, "awww, my face can't get burned, my skin can't get burned, because my fair skin is my source of money~"
- chenle's song rec : save myself - ed sheeran